Consultar Xml desde SQL usando Entity Framework Database Primero

Necesito usar Entity Framework, LINQ para consultar los datos XML del SQL en mi aplicación mvc (C #).

Tengo una columnaXMLValue con datos


Necesito obtener todo elCustomers quien tiene unRating de 1 del xml. Me he referidoesta publicación de stackoverflow y no puedo lograrlo.

He agregado la función SQL y la agregué a mi edmx:

CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[FilterCustomersByRating] 
    (@Rating int) 
    SELECT XMLTest.*
    FROM XMLTest
    CROSS APPLY XMLValue.nodes('//MetaData') N(C)
    where N.C.value('Rating[1]', 'int')=@Rating

Y la siguiente función DB:

[DbFunction("XMLDBModel.Store", "FilterCustomersByRating")]
public static IQueryable<XMLTest> MyXmlHelper(int rating)
            throw new NotImplementedException("You can only call this function in a LINQ query");

Below is the linq query which I tried exactly as in the post, but not able to use the function and it throws error.

 var _dbCustomers = (from x in _context.XMLTests
                     where MyXmlHelper(1).Where(xh=> xh.XMLValue.Contains("1"))
                     select x);


Cannot implicitly convert type 'System.Linq.IQueryable<XMLTest>' to 'bool

If I user Any(), I have the following error:

 var _dbCustomers = (from x in _context.XMLTests
                          where MyXmlHelper(1).Any(xh => xh.XMLValue.Contains("1"))
                          select x);


The specified method 'System.Linq.IQueryable`1[XMLTest] MyXmlHelper(Int32)' on the type 'CustomerRepository' cannot be translated into a LINQ to Entities store expression because its return type does not match the return type of the function specified by its DbFunction attribute.

Can someone suggest on how to achieve this please?

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