backbone.js enlazar a eventos de audio

¿Cómo hacerlo? Busqué SO, encontrar un resultado similar, pero no funciona.

Aquí está mi código:

var Player = Backbone.Model.extend({
    defaults: {
        //some variables
    //creating audio element
    setAudio: function(ogglink, mp3link){
        //code, that works
var Playlist = Backbone.Collection.extend({ 
    model: Player
var MyPlaylist = new Playlist([ 
    //some songs here
var OneSongView = Backbone.View.extend({     
    //added some 'template' and 'el' code
    initialize: function () {
        this.model.bind("change", this.render, this);   
    render: function (eventName) {
        this.model.setAudio(this.model.get("ogglink"), this.model.get("mp3link"));
        return this;
    events: {
        //declaration of some events
    //event functions
var AppRouter = Backbone.Router.extend({
    //router code
var app = new AppRouter();

Si agrego eventos como "timeupdate": "somefunc", no funcionará si agrego código comoaquí, voy a tener errores :(

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