Tratando de crear una instancia de los objetos dentro del bucle for y fallando

Básicamente estoy tratando de crear una nueva clase siempre y cuando la variable continuar sea igual a "Y". El problema que estoy teniendo es

<code> not a statement
    DigitalPhoto[] class = new DigitalPhoto[9];

sobre compilar He consultado ArrayLists, pero no estoy seguro de si ellos instanciaran las clases de la misma manera que lo que estoy tratando de lograr. En una situación ideal, tendría objetos con el nombre "clase" + i, y valores diferentes para cada objeto a través de sus métodos de configuración integrados.

<code>// Import classes for class
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.text.DecimalFormat;

public class DigitalMain
  public static void main(String args[])
    String cont = "Y";
    String heightString,widthString,width,bitpsString;
    double bitps,x,y,totesPrice,totesSize,totesSpeed;
    DecimalFormat wholeDigits = new DecimalFormat("0");
    DecimalFormat dec = new DecimalFormat("0.00");

    DigitalPhoto[] picc = new DigitalPhoto[20];
    for(int i=0; cont.equals("Y") ; i++)
    picc[i] = new DigitalPhoto();
    heightString = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Please enter height");
    picc[i].setHeight = Double.parseDouble(heightString);
    heightString = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Please enter width");
    picc[i].setWidth = Double.parseDouble(widthString);
    continueQuestion = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Height: " + picc[i].getHeight + "\n Width: " + picc[i].getWidth + "\n Resolution: " + picc[i].getResolution + "\n Compression Ratio: " + picc[i].getCompression + "\n Required Storage: " + picc[i].calcStorage() + "\n Price of Scanned Photo: " + picc[i].getCost() + "Please enter 'Y' to try again or anything but 'Y' to accept values.");

    bitpsString = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Please enter your internet connection speed. Must be an integer between 1 and 99999999");
    bitps = Double.parseDouble(bitpsString);
    } while (bitps > 0 && bitps < 99999999);

    for(y = 0; y<picc.length; y++) {
      totesPrice += picc+y.getCost();
      totesSize += picc+y.calcStorage();
      totesSpeed = picc0.getSpeed();

    double seconds = transferTime(totesSize, totesSpeed);
    double minutes = seconds / 60;
    double realsec = seconds % 60;

    JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "You will be paying: " + totesPrice + "\nRequired Storage is: " + totesSize + "Required time for transfer is: " + wholeDigits.format(minutes) + " minutes, and " + wholeDigits.format(realsec) + " seconds.");


  public static double transferTime(double totalStorage, double netSpeed) {
    double bits, seconds;
    bits = (totalStorage * 8);
    seconds = (bits / netSpeed);
    return seconds;

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