Zeile mit Datenspalten in Spalte mit mehreren Zeilen in Excel konvertieren

Ich habe Datenzeilen: -

A001  123    12      A       X1
A002  789    13      B       X3
A003  456    15      C       X5

Ich muss es konvertieren in: -

A001   123  SIZE 12
A001   123  GRADE A
A001   123  LOCATION X1
A002   789  SIZE 13
A002   789  GRADE B
A002   789  LOCATION X3
A003   456  SIZE 15
A003   456  GRADE C
A003   456  LOCATION X5

Ich habe das Folgende verwendet (basierend auf dem Vorschlag von Ben McCormack, der am 23. November 2009 veröffentlicht wurde), aber es liefert nicht das obige Ergebnis: -

Sub NormalizeSheet()
Dim wsOriginal As Worksheet
Dim wsNormalized As Worksheet
Dim strKey As String
Dim clnHeader As Collection
Dim lngColumnCounter As Long
Dim lngRowCounterOriginal As Long
Dim lngRowCounterNormalized As Long
Dim rngCurrent As Range
Dim varColumn As Variant

Set wsOriginal = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Original")     'This is the name of your original worksheet'
Set wsNormalized = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Normalized") 'This is the name of the new worksheet'
Set clnHeader = New Collection

wsNormalized.Cells.ClearContents        'This deletes the contents of the destination worksheet'

lngColumnCounter = 2
lngRowCounterOriginal = 1
Set rngCurrent = wsOriginal.Cells(lngRowCounterOriginal, lngColumnCounter)

' We'll loop through just the headers to get a collection of header names'
Do Until IsEmpty(rngCurrent.Value)
    clnHeader.Add rngCurrent.Value, CStr(lngColumnCounter)
    lngColumnCounter = lngColumnCounter + 1
    Set rngCurrent = wsOriginal.Cells(lngRowCounterOriginal, lngColumnCounter)

'Here we'll reset our Row Counter and loop through the entire data set'
lngRowCounterOriginal = 2
lngRowCounterNormalized = 1
lngColumnCounter = 1

Do While Not IsEmpty(wsOriginal.Cells(lngRowCounterOriginal, lngColumnCounter))

    Set rngCurrent = wsOriginal.Cells(lngRowCounterOriginal, lngColumnCounter)
    strKey = rngCurrent.Value ' Get the key value from the current cell'
    lngColumnCounter = 2

    'This next loop parses the denormalized values for each row'
    Do While Not IsEmpty(wsOriginal.Cells(lngRowCounterOriginal, lngColumnCounter))
        Set rngCurrent = wsOriginal.Cells(lngRowCounterOriginal, lngColumnCounter)

        'We're going to check to see if the current value'
        'is equal to NULL. If it is, we won't add it to'
        'the Normalized Table.'
        If rngCurrent.Value = "NULL" Then
            'Skip it'
            'Add this item to the normalized sheet'
            wsNormalized.Range("A" & lngRowCounterNormalized).Value = strKey
            wsNormalized.Range("B" & lngRowCounterNormalized).Value = clnHeader(CStr(lngColumnCounter))
            wsNormalized.Range("C" & lngRowCounterNormalized).Value = rngCurrent.Value
            lngRowCounterNormalized = lngRowCounterNormalized + 1
        End If

        lngColumnCounter = lngColumnCounter + 1
    lngRowCounterOriginal = lngRowCounterOriginal + 1
    lngColumnCounter = 1    'We reset the column counter here because we're on a new row'

End Sub

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