android-async-http post request with body

Es ist erforderlich, eine Funktion zu aktivieren, mit der der Benutzer Feedback an den Server in der App senden kann. Und ich verwende den asynchronen Client in der App. Aber ich weiß nicht, wie das geht sehr viel

Hier ist die Voraussetzung:

use post request with body (es gibt einen Inhalt für Parametervorschläge)api: api / user / feedback? company_id = & access_token =

Während ich die post-Methode von asynchttpclient überprüfe, habe ich gerade die folgenden Methoden gefunden: public RequestHandle post (String url, ResponseHandlerInterface responseHandler) {return post (null, url, null, responseHandler); }

// [-] HTTP POST
// [+] HTTP PUT

 * Perform a HTTP POST request with parameters.
 * @param url             the URL to send the request to.
 * @param params          additional POST parameters or files to send with the request.
 * @param responseHandler the response handler instance that should handle the response.
 * @return RequestHandle of future request process
public RequestHandle post(String url, RequestParams params, ResponseHandlerInterface responseHandler) {
    return post(null, url, params, responseHandler);

 * Perform a HTTP POST request and track the Android Context which initiated the request.
 * @param context         the Android Context which initiated the request.
 * @param url             the URL to send the request to.
 * @param params          additional POST parameters or files to send with the request.
 * @param responseHandler the response handler instance that should handle the response.
 * @return RequestHandle of future request process
public RequestHandle post(Context context, String url, RequestParams params, ResponseHandlerInterface responseHandler) {
    return post(context, url, paramsToEntity(params, responseHandler), null, responseHandler);

 * Perform a HTTP POST request and track the Android Context which initiated the request.
 * @param context         the Android Context which initiated the request.
 * @param url             the URL to send the request to.
 * @param entity          a raw {@link} to send with the request, for
 *                        example, use this to send string/json/xml payloads to a server by
 *                        passing a {@link}.
 * @param contentType     the content type of the payload you are sending, for example
 *                        application/json if sending a json payload.
 * @param responseHandler the response ha   ndler instance that should handle the response.
 * @return RequestHandle of future request process
public RequestHandle post(Context context, String url, HttpEntity entity, String contentType, ResponseHandlerInterface responseHandler) {
    return sendRequest(httpClient, httpContext, addEntityToRequestBase(new HttpPost(getURI(url)), entity), contentType, responseHandler, context);

 * Perform a HTTP POST request and track the Android Context which initiated the request. Set
 * headers only for this request
 * @param context         the Android Context which initiated the request.
 * @param url             the URL to send the request to.
 * @param headers         set headers only for this request
 * @param params          additional POST parameters to send with the request.
 * @param contentType     the content type of the payload you are sending, for example
 *                        application/json if sending a json payload.
 * @param responseHandler the response handler instance that should handle the response.
 * @return RequestHandle of future request process
public RequestHandle post(Context context, String url, Header[] headers, RequestParams params, String contentType,
                          ResponseHandlerInterface responseHandler) {
    HttpEntityEnclosingRequestBase request = new HttpPost(getURI(url));
    if (params != null) request.setEntity(paramsToEntity(params, responseHandler));
    if (headers != null) request.setHeaders(headers);
    return sendRequest(httpClient, httpContext, request, contentType,
            responseHandler, context);

 * Perform a HTTP POST request and track the Android Context which initiated the request. Set
 * headers only for this request
 * @param context         the Android Context which initiated the request.
 * @param url             the URL to send the request to.
 * @param headers         set headers only for this request
 * @param entity          a raw {@link HttpEntity} to send with the request, for example, use
 *                        this to send string/json/xml payloads to a server by passing a {@link
 *              }.
 * @param contentType     the content type of the payload you are sending, for example
 *                        application/json if sending a json payload.
 * @param responseHandler the response handler instance that should handle the response.
 * @return RequestHandle of future request process
public RequestHandle post(Context context, String url, Header[] headers, HttpEntity entity, String contentType,
                          ResponseHandlerInterface responseHandler) {
    HttpEntityEnclosingRequestBase request = addEntityToRequestBase(new HttpPost(getURI(url)), entity);
    if (headers != null) request.setHeaders(headers);
    return sendRequest(httpClient, httpContext, request, contentType, responseHandler, context);

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