Odoo wirft einen MissingError auf treeview Second line record

Wie kann ich diesen Fehler beheben? Odoo wirft einen MissingError in der zweiten Zeile von TreeView, wenn es angeklickt wird. Die erste Datensatzzeile funktioniert, aber ich brauche eine solche Zeile, dass der folgende Code für jeden Datensatz im Baum die Kontexte übergeben und die entsprechende Ansicht öffnen kann. Bitte assist

Hier ist der Code, der auf der Schaltfläche @ aufgerufen wi

def action_four_weeks_schedule_form(self):
    res = {}
    ids = self._ids
    cr = self._cr
    uid = self._uid
    context = self._context.copy()
    for id in self.browse(self.ids):
        print  'id  in  ++++ ' , id
        order_obj = self.pool.get('ratecard.multiple').browse(cr,uid,ids)[0]
        ratecard_multiple_id=order_obj.id  #int(order_obj.id)
        # self.copy(cr,uid, id,ids, {},context)
        print  '##############################################'
        print  'ratecard_multiple_id', ratecard_multiple_id
        print  'action_four_weeks_schedule_form ratecard_multiple_id ' , ratecard_multiple_id
        scheduled_for= order_obj.scheduled_for
        code= order_obj.code

        print  'order_obj.multiple_ratecard_id.code' ,[ x.code  for  x in  order_obj.multiple_ratecard_id[0]]

        print  '##################################################################'
        for  lineitems  in  order_obj.multiple_ratecard_id:
            print  'Ratecard Codes of  selected  ' , lineitems.code
            singular_code = [ x.code  for  x in  order_obj.multiple_ratecard_id[0]]
            for  ln  in  lineitems:
                print  '***************************************'
                print  'ratecard singular name' , ln.name
                print  'ratecard singular code' ,  ln.code
                print  '@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@'
                # self.copy(cr,uid,id, ids , {},context)
                scheduled_for= order_obj.scheduled_for
                code= order_obj.code
                singular_code = [ x.code  for  x in  order_obj.multiple_ratecard_id[0]]
                print  '[ x.code  for  x in  order_obj.multiple_ratecard_id[0]]' , singular_code

        # for line in id:
        #     line_obj = self.pool.get('ratecard.multiple').browse(cr,uid,ids)[0]
        #     print  'line_obj contains' , line_obj
        #     print  '***************************************'
        #     print  'INNER  LOOP action_four_weeks_schedule_form   scheduled_for ' , line_obj.scheduled_for
        #     print  ' INNER LOOP action_four_weeks_schedule_form  code ' , line_obj.code
        #     print  'Can  i  get  code  of  selected   line_obj.multiple_ratecard_id.code  ' , line_obj.multiple_ratecard_id.code
        #     print  '@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@'
        #     ratecard_multiple_id=line.id
        #     print  'inner line_obj  action_four_weeks_schedule_form ratecard_multiple_id ' , ratecard_multiple_id

        # scheduled_for= line_obj.scheduled_for
        # code= line_obj.code

    scheduled_for= order_obj.scheduled_for
    code= order_obj.code
    singular_code = [ x.code  for  x in  order_obj.multiple_ratecard_id[0]]

    print  'action_four_weeks_schedule_form   scheduled_for ' , scheduled_for
    print  'action_four_weeks_schedule_form  code ' , code
    print  'singular  ratecard  selected  is  ' , singular_code

    res = {}
    if scheduled_for == 2:
            view_id = self.env.ref('ragtimeorder.view_two_weeks_schedule_form').id
            form_id = self.env.ref('ragtimeorder.view_two_weeks_schedule_form').id
            tree_id = self.env.ref('ragtimeorder.view_two_weeks_schedule_tree').id
            res = {
                'name': _('TWO WEEKS SCHEDULE FOR  RATECARD'),
                'view_type': 'form',
                'view_mode': 'form',
                'views': [(view_id, 'form'), ],
                'res_model': 'two.weeks.schedule',
                #  'res_id':self.id,
                'type': 'ir.actions.act_window',
                'nodestroy': True,
                'target': 'new',
                'domain': '[]',
                'context':{'default_scheduled_for':scheduled_for,'default_code':code , 'default_singular_code':singular_code},
                'flags': {'form': {'action_buttons': True}}

    elif scheduled_for == 3:
        view_id = self.env.ref('ragtimeorder.view_three_weeks_schedule_form').id
        form_id = self.env.ref('ragtimeorder.view_three_weeks_schedule_form').id
        tree_id = self.env.ref('ragtimeorder.view_three_weeks_schedule_tree').id
        res = {
            'name': _('THREE WEEKS SCHEDULE FOR  RATECARD'),
            'view_type': 'form',
            'view_mode': 'form',
            'views': [(view_id, 'form'), ],
            'res_model': 'three.weeks.schedule',
            #  'res_id':self.id,
            'type': 'ir.actions.act_window',
            'nodestroy': True,
            'target': 'new',
            'domain': '[]',
            'context': context,
            'flags': {'form': {'action_buttons': True}}

    elif scheduled_for == 4:
        view_id = self.env.ref('ragtimeorder.view_four_weeks_schedule_form').id
        form_id = self.env.ref('ragtimeorder.view_four_weeks_schedule_form').id
        tree_id = self.env.ref('ragtimeorder.view_four_weeks_schedule_tree').id
        res = {
            'name': _('FOUR WEEKS SCHEDULE FOR  RATECARD'),
            'view_type': 'form',
            'view_mode': 'form',
            'views': [(view_id, 'form'), ],
            'res_model': 'four.weeks.schedule',
            #  'res_id':self.id,
            'type': 'ir.actions.act_window',
            'nodestroy': True,
            'target': 'new',
            'domain': '[]',
            'context':{'default_scheduled_for':scheduled_for,'default_code':code ,'default_singular_code':singular_code },
            'flags': {'form': {'action_buttons': True}}

    elif scheduled_for == 1:
        view_id = self.env.ref('ragtimeorder.view_one_week_schedule_form').id
        form_id = self.env.ref('ragtimeorder.view_one_week_schedule_form').id
        tree_id = self.env.ref('ragtimeorder.view_one_week_schedule_tree').id
        res = {
            'name': _('ONE WEEK SCHEDULE FOR  RATECARD'),
            'view_type': 'form',
            'view_mode': 'form',
            'views': [(view_id, 'form'), ],
            'res_model': 'one.week.schedule',
            #  'res_id':self.id,
            'type': 'ir.actions.act_window',
            'nodestroy': True,
            'target': 'new',
            'domain': '[]',
            'context':{'default_scheduled_for':scheduled_for,'default_code':code , 'default_singular_code':singular_code},
            'flags': {'form': {'action_buttons': True}}


        view_obj = self.pool.get('ir.ui.view')
        view_id = view_obj.search(cr, uid, [('model', '=', self._name), \
                                            ('name', '=', self._name + '.view')])
        res = {
            'view_mode': 'form',
            'view_type': 'form',
            'view_id': view_id or False,
            'res_model': self._name,
            'context': context,
            'type': 'ir.actions.act_window',
            'target': 'new',
            'flags': {'form': {'action_buttons': True}}


        'radio_scheduled_for': scheduled_for,
        'update_code' : code,
        'singular_code' : singular_code ,
    return res

Dies ist der Screenshot des Fehlers, den der gedrückte Knopf auslöst.

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