Shapeless: Eigene HList-Einschränkung mit Coproduct

(HINWEIS: Teilen vonShapeless: Versuch, HList-Elemente nach Typ einzuschränken )

Frage 2 - Eigene Einschränkung mit Coproduct

Was ich wirklich wollte, ist, eine neue Einschränkung mit Coproduct zu schreiben.

trait CPConstraint[L <: HList, CP <: Coproduct] extends Serializable
object CPConstraint {
  import shapeless.ops.coproduct.Selector._

  def apply[L <: HList, CP <: Coproduct](implicit cpc: CPConstraint[L, CP]): CPConstraint[L, CP] = cpc

  type <*<[CP <: Coproduct] = {  // TODO: just invented a symbol ... what would be an appropriate one?
    type λ[L <: HList] = CPConstraint[L, CP]

implicit def hnilCP[HN <: HNil, CP <: Coproduct]: CPConstraint[HN, CP] = new CPConstraint[HN, CP] {}
implicit def hlistCP[H, T <: HList, CP <: Coproduct](implicit ev: coproduct.Selector[CP, H], cpct: CPConstraint[T, CP]): CPConstraint[H :: T, CP] = new CPConstraint[H :: T, CP] {}


object testCPConstraint {
  import shapeless.ops.coproduct.Selector._
  import CPConstraint._

  type CPType = Long :+: String :+: CNil

  implicit val selLong = implicitly[Selector[CPType, Long]]
  implicit val selString = implicitly[Selector[CPType, String]]

  def acceptCP[L <: HList : <*<[CPType]#λ](l: L) = true

  val hlLong: ::[Long, HNil] = 1L :: HNil
  val hlString: ::[String, HNil] = "blabla" :: HNil
  val hlMixed: ::[String, ::[Long, HNil]] = "blabla" :: 1L :: HNil
  val hlMixedRev: ::[Long, ::[String, HNil]] = 1L :: "blabla" :: HNil
  val hlInvalid: ::[Double, HNil] = 1.0d :: HNil

  implicit val scpcEmpty: CPConstraint[HNil, CPType] = implicitly[CPConstraint[HNil, CPType]]

  implicit val scpcEmptyLong1: CPConstraint[::[Long,HNil], CPType] = new CPConstraint[::[Long,HNil], CPType] {}

// impliziter Wert scpcEmptyLong2: CPConstraint [hlLong.type, CPType] = neue CPConstraint [hlLong.type, CPType] {} // Die obige Zeile würde in das fehlende implizite passen - WARUM ???

  implicit val cpcLong = implicitly[CPConstraint[hlLong.type, CPType]]

  val validEmpty = acceptCP(HNil: HNil)
  val validLong = acceptCP(1l :: HNil)
  val validMixed = acceptCP("blabla" :: 1l :: HNil)

  val invalid = acceptCP(1.0d :: HNil) // should fail due to missing evidence

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