Beim Erstellen eines ImageParts wird die Beziehung nicht in OpenXML gespeichert

--Aktualisiert, um ein vollständiges Beispiel für die Arbeiterklasse mit 2 Beispieldokumenten bereitzustellen-- - Originaldokument mit einer INCLUDETEXT-Anweisung zum Zusammenführen in Footer.Docx

Ich habe a hinzugefügtImagePart zu meinem Dokument sowie mitFeedData() um es mit gestreamten Inhalten zu versorgen.

Aber alles, was ich in meinem Dokument sehen kann, ist ein rotes Kästchen.

Mein anfänglicher Code Erstellt eineRun mit einerDrawing als Kind:

--Für dieses Beispiel habe ich einen fest codierten FileStream verwendet, um zwielichtige Bilder auszusortieren--

Um dies zum Laufen zu bringen, verwende ich jedes Mal die gleiche Fußzeile. Diese wird derzeit mit der richtigen Fußzeile hartcodiert:


DasrunToAmend wird aus einem Lauf im aktuellen Dokument entnommen - das ein Feld enthält, das dann entfernt und das Bild (und anderer Text aus einem anderen Dokument) an seiner Stelle platziert wird.

    public Run CreateImageRun(WordprocessingDocument sourceDoc,  Run sourceRunFromOriginalDocument, FooterPart footerPart)
        ImageData shape = sourceRun.Descendants<ImageData>().FirstOrDefault();

        ImagePart p = sourceDoc.MainDocumentPart.GetPartById(shape.RelationshipId) as ImagePart;

        ImagePart newPart = footerPart.AddImagePart(ImagePartType.Jpeg);

        using (Stream stream = new FileStream(@"C:\Users\SAS\Desktop\IMG_20130803_104521.jpg",FileMode.Open,FileAccess.Read))
            stream.Position = 0;

        string partId = footerPart.GetIdOfPart(newPart);

        Drawing newImage = CreateImage(partId);
        return new Run(newImage);

Code to Create Drawing

private Drawing CreateImage(string relationshipId)
        // Define the reference of the image.
        return new Drawing(
                 new DW.Inline(
                     new DW.Extent() { Cx = 990000L, Cy = 792000L },
                     new DW.EffectExtent()
                         LeftEdge = 0L,
                         TopEdge = 0L,
                         RightEdge = 0L,
                         BottomEdge = 0L
                     new DW.DocProperties()
                         Id = (UInt32Value)1U,
                         Name = "Picture 1"
                     new DW.NonVisualGraphicFrameDrawingProperties(
                         new A.GraphicFrameLocks() { NoChangeAspect = true }),
                     new A.Graphic(
                         new A.GraphicData(
                             new PIC.Picture(
                                 new PIC.NonVisualPictureProperties(
                                     new PIC.NonVisualDrawingProperties()
                                         Id = (UInt32Value)0U,
                                         Name = "New Bitmap Image.jpg"
                                     new PIC.NonVisualPictureDrawingProperties()),
                                 new PIC.BlipFill(
                                     new A.Blip(
                                         new A.BlipExtensionList(
                                             new A.BlipExtension()
                                                 Uri =
                                         Embed = relationshipId,
                                         CompressionState =
                                     new A.Stretch(
                                         new A.FillRectangle())),
                                 new PIC.ShapeProperties(
                                     new A.Transform2D(
                                         new A.Offset() { X = 0L, Y = 0L },
                                         new A.Extents() { Cx = 990000L, Cy = 792000L }),
                                     new A.PresetGeometry(
                                         new A.AdjustValueList()
                                     ) { Preset = A.ShapeTypeValues.Rectangle }))
                         ) { Uri = "" })
                     DistanceFromTop = (UInt32Value)0U,
                     DistanceFromBottom = (UInt32Value)0U,
                     DistanceFromLeft = (UInt32Value)0U,
                     DistanceFromRight = (UInt32Value)0U,
                     EditId = "50D07946"

Das erzeugte XML wird korrekt angezeigt und das Bild wird dem hinzugefügt/Media/ Mappe.

    <wp:inline distT="0" distB="0" distL="0" distR="0" wp14:editId="50D07946">
      <wp:extent cx="990000" cy="792000" />
      <wp:effectExtent l="0" t="0" r="0" b="0" />
      <wp:docPr id="1" name="Picture 1" />
        <a:graphicFrameLocks noChangeAspect="1" xmlns:a="" />
      <a:graphic xmlns:a="">
        <a:graphicData uri="">
          <pic:pic xmlns:pic="">
              <pic:cNvPr id="0" name="New Bitmap Image.jpg" />
              <pic:cNvPicPr />
              <a:blip r:embed="Raae77c5adb2e48f3" cstate="print">
                  <a:ext uri="{28A0092B-C50C-407E-A947-70E740481C1C}" />
                <a:fillRect />
                <a:off x="0" y="0" />
                <a:ext cx="990000" cy="792000" />
              <a:prstGeom prst="rect">
                <a:avLst />

Ich habe jetzt ungefähr 2 Tage damit verbracht, nach den schlechten Dokumenten von Google MS zu suchen.

public class WordTest
        using DocumentFormat.OpenXml;
        using DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Packaging;
        using DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Vml;
        using DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Wordprocessing;
        using System;
        using System.Collections.Generic;
        using System.Drawing;
        using System.IO;
        using System.Linq;
        using A = DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Drawing;
        using DW = DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Drawing.Wordprocessing;
        using PIC = DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Drawing.Pictures;
        public void MethodName()
            WordprocessingDocument mainDoc = WordprocessingDocument.Open("mydoc.docx", true);

            foreach (var item in mainDoc.MainDocumentPart.FooterParts)
                ProcessParaIncludeTextMerge(item, item.Footer.Descendants<Run>(), mainDoc);



        private void ProcessParaIncludeTextMerge(OpenXmlPart part, IEnumerable<Run> runs, WordprocessingDocument originalDocument)
            List<Run> paraRuns = runs.ToList();

            int runCount = paraRuns.Count();

            for (int i = 0; i < runCount; i++)
                Run r = paraRuns.ElementAt(i);

                // check if this is a simple Merge Field
                if (r.HasChildren && r.Descendants<FieldCode>().Any())
                    FieldCode code = r.Descendants<FieldCode>().First();

                    // we check the first fieldcode is a merge field - but we can't *just* use that one, as for
                    // some stupid reason, the fieldcodes can be split across runs.... :/
                    if (code.Text.Trim().IndexOf("INCLUDETEXT", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) > -1) //this is actually piss-poor, but as a merge field can go across n runs, we simply check for the M and let the other function figure it out..
                        MergeIncludeText(i, paraRuns, originalDocument);

        public Run CreateImageRun(WordprocessingDocument sourceDoc, Run sourceRun, WordprocessingDocument target, FooterPart footerPart)
             ImagePart newPart = footerPart.AddImagePart(ImagePartType.Png);

            ImageData shape = sourceRun.Descendants<ImageData>().FirstOrDefault();

            ImagePart p = sourceDoc.MainDocumentPart.GetPartById(shape.RelationshipId) as ImagePart;

            Bitmap image = new Bitmap(p.GetStream()); 

            using (Stream s = p.GetStream())
                s.Position = 0;

            string partId = footerPart.GetIdOfPart(newPart);

            Drawing newImage = CreateImage(partId);

            return new Run(newImage);

        private Drawing CreateImage(string relationshipId)
            // Define the reference of the image.
            return new Drawing(
                     new DW.Inline(
                         new DW.Extent() { Cx = 990000L, Cy = 792000L },
                         new DW.EffectExtent()
                             LeftEdge = 0L,
                             TopEdge = 0L,
                             RightEdge = 0L,
                             BottomEdge = 0L
                         new DW.DocProperties()
                             Id = (UInt32Value)1U,
                             Name = "Picture 1"
                         new DW.NonVisualGraphicFrameDrawingProperties(
                             new A.GraphicFrameLocks() { NoChangeAspect = true }),
                         new A.Graphic(
                             new A.GraphicData(
                                 new PIC.Picture(
                                     new PIC.NonVisualPictureProperties(
                                         new PIC.NonVisualDrawingProperties()
                                             Id = (UInt32Value)0U,
                                             Name = "New Bitmap Image.jpg"
                                         new PIC.NonVisualPictureDrawingProperties()),
                                     new PIC.BlipFill(
                                         new A.Blip(
                                             new A.BlipExtensionList(
                                                 new A.BlipExtension()
                                                     Uri =
                                             Embed = relationshipId,
                                             CompressionState =
                                         new A.Stretch(
                                             new A.FillRectangle())),
                                     new PIC.ShapeProperties(
                                         new A.Transform2D(
                                             new A.Offset() { X = 0L, Y = 0L },
                                             new A.Extents() { Cx = 990000L, Cy = 792000L }),
                                         new A.PresetGeometry(
                                             new A.AdjustValueList()
                                         ) { Preset = A.ShapeTypeValues.Rectangle }))
                             ) { Uri = "" })
                         DistanceFromTop = (UInt32Value)0U,
                         DistanceFromBottom = (UInt32Value)0U,
                         DistanceFromLeft = (UInt32Value)0U,
                         DistanceFromRight = (UInt32Value)0U,
                         EditId = "50D07946"

        private void ReplaceRunsWithRuns(IEnumerable<Run> fieldRuns, IEnumerable<Run> value, WordprocessingDocument source, WordprocessingDocument target)
            FooterPart f = target.MainDocumentPart.FooterParts.ElementAt(1);


            Paragraph p = new Paragraph();
            //the run has no value to merge into, remove the field.
            if (value != null)
                foreach (var item in value)
                    if (!item.Descendants<Picture>().Any()) //pictures are processed differently - they're an absolute s**t storm to code...
                        p.Append(CreateImageRun(source, item, target, f));

        private void MergeIncludeText(int curRunIdx, List<Run> runs, WordprocessingDocument originalDoc)
            int startRun = GetBeginRun(runs, curRunIdx);

            if (startRun == -1)

            int endRun = GetEndRun(runs, startRun);

            if (endRun == -1)

            IEnumerable<Run> fieldRuns = WordMLHelpers.GetRunsBetweenTwoPoints(runs, startRun, endRun);

            IEnumerable<FieldCode> fieldCodes = fieldRuns.SelectMany(x => x.Descendants<FieldCode>());

            string mergeField = string.Concat(fieldCodes.Select(x => x.Text));

            string field = GetIncludeTextFilePath(mergeField);

            MemoryStream ms = LoadDocumentStream(field);

            WordprocessingDocument includeDoc = LoadDocumentFromStream(ms);

            IEnumerable<Run> includedRuns = includeDoc.MainDocumentPart.Document.Descendants<Run>();

            ReplaceRunsWithRuns(fieldRuns, includedRuns, includeDoc, originalDoc);

        private string GetIncludeTextFilePath(string mergeFieldText)
            int quoteStart = mergeFieldText.IndexOf('"') + 1;

            int quoteEnd = mergeFieldText.IndexOf('"', quoteStart);

            return mergeFieldText.Substring(quoteStart, quoteEnd - quoteStart);

        private WordprocessingDocument LoadDocumentFromStream(Stream stream)
            return WordprocessingDocument.Open(stream, true);

#region helpers
        public static int GetBeginRun(IEnumerable<Run> runs, int curIdx)
            for (int i = curIdx; i < runs.Count(); i--)
                if (i == -1)
                    return -1;
                Run run = runs.ElementAt(i);

                if (run.HasChildren && run.ChildElements.OfType<FieldChar>().Count() > 0
                      && (run.ChildElements.OfType<FieldChar>().First().FieldCharType == FieldCharValues.Begin))
                    return i;

            throw new Exception("Begin not found");

        /// <summary>
        /// Get the first End Run in a <see cref="List"/>(<see cref="Run"/>)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="runs">The runs.</param>
        /// <param name="curIdx">The cur idx.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        /// <exception cref="System.Exception">End not found</exception>
        public static int GetEndRun(IEnumerable<Run> runs, int curIdx)
            //runs.FirstOrDefault(x => x.HasChildren && x.Descendants<FieldChar>().Count > 0 && (x.Descendants<FieldChar>().First().FieldCharType & FieldCharValues.End) == FieldCharValues.End);

            for (int i = curIdx; i < runs.Count(); i++)
                if (i == -1)
                    return -1;
                Run run = runs.ElementAt(i);

                if (run.HasChildren && run.Descendants<FieldChar>().Any()
                       && (run.Descendants<FieldChar>().First().FieldCharType == FieldCharValues.End))
                    return i;

            return -1;

        public static MemoryStream LoadDocumentStream(string template)
            using (FileStream fs = File.Open(template, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read))
                // first read document in as stream
                MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();

                ms.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                return ms;


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