Aktualisieren Sie das n-te Dokument in einem verschachtelten Array-Dokument in Mongodb

Ich muss ein Dokument in einem Array in einem anderen Dokument in Mongo DB aktualisieren

            "_id" : ObjectId("51cff693d342704b5047e6d8"),
            "author" : "test",
            "body" : "sdfkj dsfhk asdfjad ",
            "comments" : [
                            "author" : "test",
                            "body" : "sdfkjdj\r\nasdjgkfdfj",
                            "email" : "[email protected]"
                            "author" : "hola",
                            "body" : "sdfl\r\nhola \r\nwork here"
            "date" : ISODate("2013-06-30T09:12:51.629Z"),
            "permalink" : "jaiho",
            "tags" : [
            "title" : "JAiHo"

Q1) Update email of 0th element of comments array
db.posts.update({"permalink" : "haha"},{$set:{"comments.0.email":1}})
This doesn't throw any exception but doesn't update anything as well
Q2) Add a field on nth element of comments array number_likes
db.posts.update({"permalink" : "haha"},{$inc:{"comments.0.num_likes":1}})
Doesn't work either.

Am I missing something here?

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