изменить цвет поля для jpgraph

Я пытаюсь изменить цвет поля на jpgraph. Я не могу понять это. Я старался$graph->SetMarginColor("khaki:0.6"); but that seemed to do nothing. below is the code that generates an example chart as well as the sample output. I am using jpgraph 3.5 if that helps.

$datay1 = array(20,15,23,15);
$datay2 = array(12,9,42,8);
$datay3 = array(5,17,32,24);

// Setup the graph
$graph = new Graph(300,250);

$theme_class=new UniversalTheme;

$graph->title->Set('Filled Y-grid');




// Create the first line
$p1 = new LinePlot($datay1);
$p1->SetLegend('Line 1');

// Create the second line
$p2 = new LinePlot($datay2);
$p2->SetLegend('Line 2');

// Create the third line
$p3 = new LinePlot($datay3);
$p3->SetLegend('Line 3');


// Output line


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