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    \caption{My caption}
    Detection Methods & Supervised /Semi-supervised/ Unsupervised & Technique Used                                                                    & Applications                                            & Technology                                                           \\
    Statistical       &                                           & Gaussian-based detection                                                          & Online anomaly detection                                & Conventional   data centres                                          \\
    Statistical       &                                           & Gaussian-based detection                                                          & General                                                 & General                                                              \\
    Statistical       &                                           & Regression analysis                                                               & Globally-distributed commercial applications            & Distributed, Web-based, Application \& System metrics                \\
    Statistical       &                                           & Regression analysis                                                               & Web applications                                        & Enterprise web applications and conventional data centre             \\
    Statistical       &                                           & Correlation                                                                       & Complex enterprise online applications                  & Distributed System                                                   \\
    Statistical       &                                           & Correlation                                                                       & Orleans system and distributed cloud computing services & Virtualized, cloud computing and distributed system (Orleans system) \\
    Statistical       &                                           & Correlation                                                                       & Hadoop, Olio and RUBiS                                  & Virtualized cloud computing and distributed systems.                 \\
    ĘMachine learning & Supervised                                & Bayesian classification                                                           & Online application                                      & IBM system S-distributed stream processing cluster                   \\
    Machine learning  & Unsupervised                              & Neighbour-based technique (Local Outlier Factor algorithm)                        & General                                                 & Cloud Computing system                                               \\
    Machine learning  & Semi-supervised                           & Principle component analysis and  Semi-supervised Decision-tree\_                 & Institute-wide cloud computing environment              & Cloud Computing                                                      \\
    Statistical       &                                           & Regression curve fitting the service time-adapted cumulative distributed function & Online application service                              & Platform and configuration agnostic                                  \\
                      &                                           &                                                                                   &                                                         &                                                                     


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