На этой заметке, просто как публичное объявление, не помещайте важные пароли в текстовые файлы конфигурации или в свой

ужно запустить cpan через прокси, но когда я пытаюсь настроить, я получил ошибки и не могу войти в cpan в первый раз

root@srv-linux01:~# cpan

CPAN.pm requires configuration, but most of it can be done automatically.
If you answer 'no' below, you will enter an interactive dialog for each
configuration option instead.

Would you like to configure as much as possible automatically? [yes] no

На настройках прокси:

If you're accessing the net via proxies, you can specify them in the
CPAN configuration or via environment variables. The variable in
the $CPAN::Config takes precedence.

Your ftp_proxy? [] http://username:password@proxyIP:Port/  <---- is ok the information?

Your http_proxy? [] http://username:password@proxyIP:Port/  <---- is ok the information?

Your no_proxy? []

If your proxy is an authenticating proxy, you can store your username
permanently. If you do not want that, just press ENTER. You will then
be asked for your username in every future session.

Your proxy user id? []     <---- username is needed again?

Your password for the authenticating proxy can also be stored
permanently on disk. If this violates your security policy, just press
ENTER. You will then be asked for the password in every future

Your proxy password?     

И до этого я получаю это.

Fetching with HTTP::Tiny:
Error downloading with HTTP::Tiny: Not a CODE reference at /usr/share/perl/5.18/CPAN/HTTP/Client.pm line 112, <STDIN> line 65.

Я использую Ubuntu Server 14.04 LTS и Perl 5.18.2


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