Название основного цвета значения RGB

Я хочу найти название цвета, учитывая его значение RGB.

Пример значения RGB: (237, 65, 83)

Предопределенные значения

массив (11, 'Красный', '# FF0000', '255,0,0'),

массив (3, «Коричневый», «# A52A2A», «165,42,42»)

Если я использую этот методрасчет расстояния

я получаю цвет как коричневый.

Но фактический цвет красный, если мы проверим это значение RGBВот

Отредактировано 1


 $colors = array(
 array(1, 'Black', '#000000', '0,0,0'),
 array(2, 'Blue',  '#0000FF', '0,0,255'),
 array(3, 'Brown', '#A52A2A', '165,42,42'),    
 array(4, 'Cream', '#FFFFCC', '255,255,204'),   
 array(5, 'Green', '#008000', '0,128,0'),        
 array(6, 'Grey',  '#808080', '128,128,128'),
 array(7, 'Yellow', '#FFFF00', '255,255,0'),
 array(8, 'Orange', '#FFA500', '255,165,0'),          
 array(9, 'Pink', '#FFC0CB', '255,192,203'), 
 array(11, 'Red', '#FF0000', '255,0,0'),  
 array(10, 'Purple', '#800080', '128,0,128'),
 array(12, 'Tan', '#d2b48c', '210,180,140'),
 array(13, 'Turquoise', '#40E0D0', '64,224,208'),
 array(14, 'White', '#FFFFFF', '255,255,255')

 $miDist = 99999999999999999 ;
 $loc = 0 ; 

 $findColor = RGBtoHSV(72, 70, 68);
 for( $i = 0 ; $i < 14 ; $i++){
  $string =  $colors[$i][3];
  $pieces = explode(',' , $string);
  $r0 = $pieces[0];
  $g0 = $pieces[1];
  $b0 = $pieces[2];

  $storedColor = RGBtoHSV($r0,$g0,$b0);

 echo $storedColor[0] ."-" . $storedColor[1] ;
 // distance between colors (regardless of intensity)

 $d = sqrt( ($storedColor[0]-$findColor[0])


  echo $colors[$i][1] ."=" .$d;
  //echo $d ;
     if( $miDist >= $d )
       $miDist = $d;
       $loc = $i ;    
      echo "<br>" ;


 echo $colors[$loc][1];

 function RGBtoHSV($R, $G, $B)    // RGB values:    0-255, 0-255, 0-255
 {                                // HSV values:    0-360, 0-100, 0-100
// Convert the RGB byte-values to percentages
$R = ($R / 255);
$G = ($G / 255);
$B = ($B / 255);

// Calculate a few basic values, the maximum value of R,G,B, the
//   minimum value, and the difference of the two (chroma).
$maxRGB = max($R, $G, $B);
$minRGB = min($R, $G, $B);
$chroma = $maxRGB - $minRGB;

// Value (also called Brightness) is the easiest component to calculate,
//   and is simply the highest value among the R,G,B components.
// We multiply by 100 to turn the decimal into a readable percent value.
$computedV = 100 * $maxRGB;

// Special case if hueless (equal parts RGB make black, white, or grays)
// Note that Hue is technically undefined when chroma is zero, as
//   attempting to calculate it would cause division by zero (see
//   below), so most applications simply substitute a Hue of zero.
// Saturation will always be zero in this case, see below for details.
if ($chroma == 0)
    return array(0, 0, $computedV);

// Saturation is also simple to compute, and is simply the chroma
//   over the Value (or Brightness)
// Again, multiplied by 100 to get a percentage.
$computedS = 100 * ($chroma / $maxRGB);

// Calculate Hue component
// Hue is calculated on the "chromacity plane", which is represented
//   as a 2D hexagon, divided into six 60-degree sectors. We calculate
//   the bisecting angle as a value 0 <= x < 6, that represents which
//   portion of which sector the line falls on.
if ($R == $minRGB)
    $h = 3 - (($G - $B) / $chroma);
elseif ($B == $minRGB)
    $h = 1 - (($R - $G) / $chroma);
else // $G == $minRGB
    $h = 5 - (($B - $R) / $chroma);

// After we have the sector position, we multiply it by the size of
//   each sector's arc (60 degrees) to obtain the angle in degrees.
$computedH = 60 * $h;

return array($computedH, $computedS, $computedV);


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