ProxyPassMatch с ProxyPassReverse

Folks, Мы пытаемся настроить обратный прокси-сервер Apache для следующего сценария:

Incoming requests take the form For some servers the URL will reference a difference version, say, An upstream load balancer (HAProxy) will send the request to the right server which will have an Apache2 reverse proxy fronting a JBoss server. When the request shows up at Apache 2 it will have request path like /APP/v1/main.html We want it to (reverse) proxy out to http://localhost:8080/AppContext/main.html, irrespective of version fragment in URL (v1, v2, etc.).

Я пытался сделать это так:

ProxyPassMatch ^/.*?/APP.*?/(.*)$ http://localhost:8080/AppContext/$1
ProxyPassReverse /APP http://localhost:8080/AppContext

Мои вопросы:

Is my use of ProxyPassMatch correct? My ProxyPassReverse is "static". How do I make it aware of the potentially variable stuff after /APP?

Спасибо за любые идеи.


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