java.util.logging.Logger e log4j

Estou tentando compilar o código a partir daqui:http: // (Capítulo 6) e estou tendo problemas. Não entendo comojava.util.logging.Logger e log4j trabalham juntos, mas esse parece ser o problema. Os erros que recebo estão todos nolog.error() oulog.warn() chamadas de método.

Aqui está a saída do NetBeans:

Deleting directory C:\JB\NetBeansProjects\WRServer\build
Deleting directory C:\JB\NetBeansProjects\WRServer\dist
Created dir: C:\JB\NetBeansProjects\WRServer\build\classes
Compiling 23 source files to C:\JB\NetBeansProjects\WRServer\build\classes
C:\JB\NetBeansProjects\WRServer\src\com\hypefiend\javagamebook\server\ cannot find symbol
symbol  : method error(java.lang.String,java.lang.Exception)
location: class java.util.logging.Logger
            log.error("error initializing ServerSocket", e);
C:\JB\NetBeansProjects\WRServer\src\com\hypefiend\javagamebook\server\ cannot find symbol
symbol  : method warn(java.lang.String)
location: class java.util.logging.Logger
                log.warn("error during serverSocket select(): " + ioe.getMessage());
C:\JB\NetBeansProjects\WRServer\src\com\hypefiend\javagamebook\server\ cannot find symbol
symbol  : method error(java.lang.String,java.lang.Exception)
location: class java.util.logging.Logger
                log.error("exception in run()", e);
C:\JB\NetBeansProjects\WRServer\src\com\hypefiend\javagamebook\server\ cannot find symbol
symbol  : method error(java.lang.String)
location: class java.util.logging.Logger
            log.error("no gamecontroller for gameNameHash: " + gameNameHash);
C:\JB\NetBeansProjects\WRServer\src\com\hypefiend\javagamebook\server\ cannot find symbol
symbol  : method error(java.lang.String)
location: class java.util.logging.Logger
            log.error("error getting GameController directory");
C:\JB\NetBeansProjects\WRServer\src\com\hypefiend\javagamebook\server\ cannot find symbol
symbol  : method warn(java.lang.String)
location: class java.util.logging.Logger
                    log.warn("class file does not extend GameController: " + file);
C:\JB\NetBeansProjects\WRServer\src\com\hypefiend\javagamebook\server\ cannot find symbol
symbol  : method error(java.lang.String,java.lang.Exception)
location: class java.util.logging.Logger
                log.error("Error instantiating GameController from file: " + file, e);
Note: Some input files use unchecked or unsafe operations.
Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details.
7 errors
BUILD FAILED (total time: 0 seconds)

Aqui está o código direto do livro. Ainda não tentei editá-lo.

package com.hypefiend.javagamebook.server;

import com.hypefiend.javagamebook.common.*;
import com.hypefiend.javagamebook.server.controller.*;

import java.nio.channels.*;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import org.apache.log4j.*;

 * The heart of the framework, GameServer accepts
 * incoming client connections and hands them off to 
 * the SelectAndRead class.
 * GameServer also keeps track of the connected players
 * and the GameControllers.
 * @author <a href="mailto:[email protected]">bret barker</a>
 * @version 1.0
public class GameServer extends Thread {
/** log4j Logger */
private Logger log = Logger.getLogger("GameServer");

/** ServerSocketChannel for accepting client connections */
private ServerSocketChannel sSockChan;

/** selector for multiplexing ServerSocketChannels */
private Selector selector;

/** GameControllers keyed by GameName */
private Hashtable gameControllers;

/** classname prefix used for dynamically loading GameControllers */
private static final String CONTROLLER_CLASS_PREFIX = 

/** players keyed by playerId */
private static Hashtable playersByPlayerId;

/** players keyed by sessionId */
private static Hashtable playersBySessionId;

private boolean running;
private SelectAndRead selectAndRead;
private EventWriter eventWriter;

private static long nextSessionId = 0;

 * main. 
 * setup log4j and fireup the GameServer
public static void main(String args[]) {
GameServer gs = new GameServer();

 * constructor, just initialize our hashtables
public GameServer() {
gameControllers = new Hashtable();
playersByPlayerId = new Hashtable();
playersBySessionId = new Hashtable();

 * init the GameServer, startup our workers, etc.
public void init() {"GameServer initializing");


selectAndRead = new SelectAndRead(this);

eventWriter = new EventWriter(this, Globals.EVENT_WRITER_WORKERS); 

 * GameServer specific initialization, bind to the server port,
 * setup the Selector, etc.
private void initServerSocket() {
try {
    // open a non-blocking server socket channel
    sSockChan =;

    // bind to localhost on designated port
    InetAddress addr = InetAddress.getLocalHost();"binding to address: " + addr.getHostAddress());
    sSockChan.socket().bind(new InetSocketAddress(addr, Globals.PORT));

    // get a selector
    selector =;

    // register the channel with the selector to handle accepts
    SelectionKey acceptKey = sSockChan.register(selector, SelectionKey.OP_ACCEPT);
catch (Exception e) {
    log.error("error initializing ServerSocket", e);

 * Here's the meat, loop over the select() call to 
 * accept socket connections and hand them off to SelectAndRead
public void run() {
init();"******** GameServer running ********");
running = true;
int numReady = 0;

while (running) {
    // note, since we only have one ServerSocket to listen to,
    // we don't need a Selector here, but we set it up for 
    // later additions such as listening on another port 
    // for administrative uses.
    try {
    // blocking select, will return when we get a new connection;

    // fetch the keys
    Set readyKeys = selector.selectedKeys();

    // run through the keys and process
    Iterator i = readyKeys.iterator();
    while (i.hasNext()) {
        SelectionKey key = (SelectionKey);

        ServerSocketChannel ssChannel = (ServerSocketChannel);
        SocketChannel clientChannel = ssChannel.accept();

        // add to the list in SelectAndRead for processing
        selectAndRead.addNewClient(clientChannel);"got connection from: " + clientChannel.socket().getInetAddress());
    catch (IOException ioe) {
    log.warn("error during serverSocket select(): " + ioe.getMessage());
    catch (Exception e) {
    log.error("exception in run()", e);

 * shutdown the GameServer
public void shutdown() {

 * Return the next available sessionId
public synchronized String nextSessionId() {
return "" + nextSessionId++;

 * finds the GameController for a given GameName
public GameController getGameController(String gameName) {
return getGameControllerByHash(gameName.hashCode());

 * finds the GameController for a given GameName hash code
public GameController getGameControllerByHash(int gameNameHash) {
GameController gc = (GameController) gameControllers.get("" + gameNameHash);
if (gc == null) 
    log.error("no gamecontroller for gameNameHash: " + gameNameHash);
return gc;

 *  Dynamically loads GameControllers
private void loadGameControllers() {"loading GameControllers");

// grab all class files in the same directory as GameController
String baseClass = "com/hypefiend/javagamebook/server/controller/GameController.class";
File f = new File( this.getClass( ).getClassLoader().getResource(baseClass).getPath());
File[] files = f.getParentFile().listFiles( );

if (files == null) {
    log.error("error getting GameController directory");

for( int i = 0; ( i < files.length); i++) {
    String file = files[i].getName( );
    if (file.indexOf( ".class") == -1)
    if (file.equals("GameController.class"))

    try {
    // grab the class
    String controllerClassName = CONTROLLER_CLASS_PREFIX + file.substring(0, file.indexOf(".class"));"loading class: " + controllerClassName);

    Class cl = Class.forName(controllerClassName);

    // make sure it extends GameController
    if (!GameController.class.isAssignableFrom(cl)) {
        log.warn("class file does not extend GameController: " + file);

    // get an instance and initialize
    GameController gc = (GameController) cl.newInstance();
    String gameName = gc.getGameName();
    gc.init(this, getGameConfig(gameName));

    // add to our controllers hash
    gameControllers.put("" + gameName.hashCode(), gc);"loaded controller for gameName: " + gameName + ", hash: " + gameName.hashCode());
    catch (Exception e) {
    log.error("Error instantiating GameController from file: " + file, e);

 * pass the event on to the EventWriter
public void writeEvent(GameEvent e) {

 * returns the GameConfig object for the given gameName
public GameConfig getGameConfig(String gameName) {
// todo: implement getGameConfig()
return null;

 * fetches the Player for a given playerId
public static Player getPlayerById( String id) {
return (Player) playersByPlayerId.get(id);

 * fetches the Player for a given sessionId
public static Player getPlayerBySessionId(String id) {
return (Player) playersBySessionId.get(id);

 * add a player to our lists
public static void addPlayer(Player p) {
playersByPlayerId.put(p.getPlayerId(), p);
playersBySessionId.put(p.getSessionId(), p);

 * remove a player from our lists
public static void removePlayer(Player p) {

}// GameServer

