Como selecionar e editar um nó xml com xmlstartlet?

Aqui estou selecionando o nó:

$ xmlstarlet sel -t -c "/configuration/property[name='']"/value conf/nutch-default.xml 

Isto não o edita:

$ xmlstarlet edit  "/configuration/property[name='']"/value -v 'test' conf/nutch-default.xml 
I/O warning : failed to load external entity "/configuration/property[name='']/value"

O que seria um comando xmlstartlet que altera a alteração? O AFAIK -x ainda não é suportado no xmlstartlet.

Eu estou trabalhando em conf / nutch-default.xml

$ xmlstarlet ed --help
XMLStarlet Toolkit: Edit XML document(s)
Usage: xml ed <global-options> {<action>} [ <xml-file-or-uri> ... ]
  <global-options>  - global options for editing
  <xml-file-or-uri> - input XML document file name/uri (stdin otherwise)

<global-options> are:
  -P (or --pf)        - preserve original formatting
  -S (or --ps)        - preserve non-significant spaces
  -O (or --omit-decl) - omit XML declaration (<?xml ...?>)
  -N <name>=<value>   - predefine namespaces (name without 'xmlns:')
                        ex: xsql=urn:oracle-xsql
                        Multiple -N options are allowed.
                        -N options must be last global options.
  --help or -h        - display help

where <action>
  -d or --delete <xpath>
  -i or --insert <xpath> -t (--type) elem|text|attr -n <name> -v (--value) <value>
  -a or --append <xpath> -t (--type) elem|text|attr -n <name> -v (--value) <value>
  -s or --subnode <xpath> -t (--type) elem|text|attr -n <name> -v (--value) <value>
  -m or --move <xpath1> <xpath2>
  -r or --rename <xpath1> -v <new-name>
  -u or --update <xpath> -v (--value) <value>
             -x (--expr) <xpath> (-x is not implemented yet)

XMLStarlet is a command line toolkit to query/edit/check/transform
XML documents (for more information see

$ xmlstarlet --version

