Macro do Excel - células separadas por vírgula para linhas preservam / agregam coluna

Eu tive uma pergunta semelhante respondidaAqui

Há uma ligeira reviravolta no cenário e esperamos que a macro possa ser ligeiramente alterada. Qualquer ajuda é apreciada.

Com base nestes dados:

    <- A (Category) ->   <- B (Items) -> 
1   Cat1                 a,b, c
2   Cat2                 d
3   Cat3                 e
4   Cat4                 f, g

Eu preciso disso:

    <- A (Category) ->   <- B (Items) -> 
1   Cat1                 a
2   Cat1                 b
3   Cat1                 c
4   Cat2                 d
5   Cat3                 e
6   Cat4                 f
7   Cat4                 g

Esta é a macro existente:

Option Explicit
Sub Macro1()
    Dim fromCol As String
    Dim toCol As String
    Dim fromRow As String
    Dim toRow As String
    Dim inVal As String
    Dim outVal As String
    Dim commaPos As Integer

    ' Copy from column A to column B.'
    fromCol = "A"
    toCol = "B"
    fromRow = "1"
    toRow = "1"

    ' Go until no more entries in column A.'
    inVal = Range(fromCol + fromRow).Value
    While inVal <> ""

        ' Go until all sub-entries used up.'
        While inVal <> ""
            Range(fromCol + fromRow).Select

            ' Extract each subentry.'
            commaPos = InStr(1, inVal, ",")
            While commaPos <> 0

                ' and write to output column.'
                outVal = Left(inVal, commaPos - 1)
                Range(toCol + toRow).Select
                Range(toCol + toRow).Value = outVal
                toRow = Mid(Str(Val(toRow) + 1), 2)

                ' Remove that sub-entry.'
                inVal = Mid(inVal, commaPos + 1)
                While Left(inVal, 1) = " "
                    inVal = Mid(inVal, 2)
                commaPos = InStr(1, inVal, ",")

            ' Get last sub-entry (or full entry if no commas).'
            Range(toCol + toRow).Select
            Range(toCol + toRow).Value = inVal
            toRow = Mid(Str(Val(toRow) + 1), 2)
            inVal = ""

        ' Advance to next source row.'
        fromRow = Mid(Str(Val(fromRow) + 1), 2)
        Range(fromCol + fromRow).Select
        inVal = Range(fromCol + fromRow).Value
End Sub

