Referência de ferrugem otimizada

Estou tentando comparar as chaves de um mapa de hash Rust. Eu tenho a seguinte referência:

fn rust_get(b: &mut Bencher) {
    let (hash, keys) =
        get_random_hash::<HashMap<String, usize>>(&HashMap::with_capacity, &rust_insert_fn);
    let mut keys = test::black_box(keys);
    b.iter(|| {
        for k in keys.drain(..) {

Ondeget_random_hash é definido como:

fn get_random_hash<T>(
    new: &Fn(usize) -> T,
    insert: &Fn(&mut T, String, usize) -> (),
) -> (T, Vec<String>) {
    let mut keys = Vec::with_capacity(HASH_SIZE);
    let mut hash = new(HASH_CAPACITY);
    for i in 0..HASH_SIZE {
        let k: String = format!("{}", Uuid::new_v4());
        insert(&mut hash, k, i);
    return (hash, keys);

erust_insert_fn é:

fn rust_insert_fn(map: &mut HashMap<String, usize>, key: String, value: usize) {
    map.insert(key, value);

No entanto, quando executo o benchmark, ele é claramente otimizado:

test benchmarks::benchmarks::rust_get        ... bench:           1 ns/iter (+/- 0)

eu penseitest::black_box would solve the problem but it doesn't look like it does. I have even tried wrapping thehash.get (& k) in the for loop withtest :: black_box` mas isso ainda otimiza o código. Como devo executar corretamente o código sem ser otimizado?

EDIT - Mesmo o seguinte otimiza a operação get:

fn rust_get(b: &mut Bencher) {
  let (hash, keys) = get_random_hash::<HashMap<String, usize>>(&HashMap::with_capacity, &rust_insert_fn);
  let mut keys = test::black_box(keys);
  b.iter(|| {
    let mut n = 0;
    for k in keys.drain(..) {
      n += 1;
    return n;

Curiosamente, os seguintes benchmarks funcionam:

fn rust_get_random(b: &mut Bencher) {
  let (hash, _) = get_random_hash::<HashMap<String, usize>>(&HashMap::with_capacity, &rust_insert_fn);
  b.iter(|| {
    for _ in 0..HASH_SIZE {
      hash.get(&format!("{}", Uuid::new_v4()));

fn rust_insert(b: &mut Bencher) {
  b.iter(|| {
    let mut hash = HashMap::with_capacity(HASH_CAPACITY);
    for i in 0..HASH_SIZE {
      let k: String = format!("{}", Uuid::new_v4());
      hash.insert(k, i);

mas isso também não:

fn rust_del(b: &mut Bencher) {
  let (mut hash, keys) = get_random_hash::<HashMap<String, usize>>(&HashMap::with_capacity, &rust_insert_fn);
  let mut keys = test::black_box(keys);
  b.iter(|| {
    for k in keys.drain(..) {

Aqui é a essência completa.

