enviar mensagem whatsapp usando php

Oi. Eu quero enviar uma mensagem whatsapp usando php. eu corro esse código

require_once 'Chat-API-master/src/whatsprot.class.php';
$username = "6285648145xxx";
$nickname = "ardi";
$password = "password"; // The one we got registering the number
$debug = true;

// Create a instance of WhastPort.
$w = new WhatsProt($username, $nickname, $debug);

$w->connect(); // Connect to WhatsApp network
$w->loginWithPassword($password); // logging in with the password we got!

$target = '62811304xxxx'; // The number of the person you are sending the message
$message = 'Hi! :) this is a test message';

$w->sendMessage($target , $message);

Mas eu tenho esse código no meu navegador

tx  <stream:features></stream:features>

tx  <auth user="6285648145xxx" mechanism="WAUTH-2"></auth>

rx  <from s.whatsapp.net=""></from>

rx  <stream:features></stream:features>

rx  <challenge>376a507c7e915642d85255fe96cb1d101fa23819</challenge>

tx  <response>200e09fa50b7c6a3fa3416878f1e165e8d7670f054ddeaa1c77278a5f8e5b881f4f9f75dce809f42cbdcf17931db8c15641399488b90e9cb74e87de94560802f98bb028af9b5967403fb278c28e06c</response>

Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in D:\XAMPP\htdocs\waonline\Chat-API-master\src\whatsprot.class.php on line 2609

o que há de errado?? por favor me dê uma solução. obrigado