como incrementar um cabeçalho de mensagem

Existe uma maneira no Spring Integration Java DSL para modificar um cabeçalho de mensagem existente?

Estou reimplementando um mecanismo de nova tentativa de download usando o SI Java DSL e quero incrementar um cabeçalho de mensagem contendo as tentativas de download quando ocorrer uma falha, antes de rotear a mensagem com base no número de tentativas comparado a um limite.

Eu tenho o roteamento funcionando muito bem com base nos RouterTests incluídos no SI. Com HeaderEnrichers, posso adicionar facilmente um cabeçalho, mas não vejo uma maneira de modificar um cabeçalho existente.


 * Unit test of {@link RetryRouter}.
 * Based on {@link RouterTests#testMethodInvokingRouter2()}.
public class RetryRouterTests {

    /** Failed download attempts are sent to this channel to be routed by {@link ContextConfiguration#failedDownloadRouting( ) } */
    private MessageChannel failed;

    /** Retry attempts for failed downloads are sent to this channel by {@link ContextConfiguration#failedDownloadRouting( ) }*/
    private PollableChannel retryChannel;

    /** Failed download attempts which will not be retried, are sent to this channel by {@link ContextConfiguration#failedDownloadRouting( ) }*/
    private PollableChannel exhaustedChannel;

     * Unit test of {@link ContextConfiguration#failedDownloadRouting( ) } and {@link RetryRouter}.
    public void retryRouting() {

        final int limit = 2;

        for ( int attempt = 0 ; attempt <= limit + 1 ; attempt++ ){

            this.failed.send( failed( attempt, limit) );

            if ( attempt < limit){

                assertEquals( payload( attempt ) , this.retryChannel.receive( ).getPayload( ) );
                assertNull(this.exhaustedChannel.receive( 0 ) );


                assertEquals( payload( attempt ) , this.exhaustedChannel.receive( ).getPayload( ) );
                assertNotNull( this.exhaustedChannel.receive( ).getPayload( ) );


    private Message<String> failed( int retry , int limit ) {

        return MessageBuilder
            .withPayload(  payload( retry ) )
            .setHeader("retries", new AtomicInteger( retry ) )
            .setHeader("limit", limit)

    private String payload (int retry){
        return "retry attempt "+retry;

    public static class ContextConfiguration {

        public MessageChannel loggerChannel() {

        @Bean(name = "retry-channel")
        public MessageChannel retryChannel() {
            return new QueueChannel();

        @Bean(name = "exhausted-channel")
        public MessageChannel exhaustedChannel() {
            return new QueueChannel();

         * Decides if a failed download attempt can be retried or not, based upon the number of attempts already made 
         * and the limit to the number of attempts that may be made. Logic is in {@link RetryRouter}.
         * <p>
         * The number of download attempts already made is provided as a header {@link #attempts} from the connector doing the download, 
         * and the limit to the number of attempts is another header {@link #retryLimit} which is originally setup as
         * a header by {@link DownloadDispatcher} from retry configuration.
         * <p>
         * Messages for failed download attempts are listened to on channel {@link #failed}. 
         * Retry attempts are routed to {@link #retryChannel()}
         * @return
        public IntegrationFlow failedDownloadRouting() {

            return IntegrationFlows.from( "failed" )

                .handle( "headers.retries.getAndIncrement()" )
                .handle( logMessage ( "failed" ) )
                .route(new RetryRouter())

         * Decides if a failed download attempt can be retried or not, based upon the number of attempts already made 
         * and the limit to the number of attempts that may be made. 
         * <p>
        private static class RetryRouter {

            public String routeByHeader(@Header("retries") AtomicInteger attempts , @Header("limit") Integer limit) {

                if (attempts.intValue() < limit.intValue()){
                    return "retry-channel";
                return "exhausted-channel";

            /** This method is not used but is required by Spring Integration otherwise application context doesn't load because of
             * {@code Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Target object of type 
             * [class org.springframework.integration.dsl.test.routers.RetryRouterTests$RetryRouter] has no eligible methods for handling Messages.}
             * @throws UnsupportedOperationException if called
            public String routeMessage(Message<?> message) {

                throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "should not be used." );

