Como obter o texto de uma marca de âncora selecionada por xPath () usando selênio e Mocha

Eu selecionei com sucesso um<a> etiqueta, rótulo, palavra-chave. Quero exibir o texto da marca âncora e não consigo fazer isso.

Estou usando selênio, mocha, javascript e phantomJS

Aqui está o meu script (completo em detalhes):

var assert = require('assert');
var test = require('selenium-webdriver/testing');
var webdriver = require('selenium-webdriver');
var By = webdriver.By;
var until = webdriver.until;
var equals = webdriver.equals;

/*-------login details--------*/
var userAdmin = '[email protected]';
var passAdmin = 'DarkPrince2012';

var userTradeshow = '[email protected]';
var passTradeshow = 'Mithun@';
/*-----login details ends-----*/

/*---setting up credentials---*/
var passArgument = process.env.KEY; /*fetch value from the environment value;*/
console.log("You chose to enter as '"+passArgument+"'");
    var username = userAdmin,
        password = passAdmin;
else if(passArgument.toLowerCase().indexOf("trade")>-1)
    var username = userTradeshow,
        password = passTradeshow;
    var username = "",
        password = "";
/*-setting up credentials ends-*/

test.describe('TrackRevenue Test', function() 
{'should work', function() 
        var driver = new webdriver.Builder()
        var loginFlag = 0;
        var baseUrl = '';
        var expectedTitle = "Track Revenue";
        var successMessage = "Welcome to the admin page!";
            if(expectedTitle === title)
                console.log("Verification Successful - The correct title is displayed on the web page.");
                console.log("Verification Failed - An incorrect title is displayed on the web page.");
        driver.findElements(By.xpath("//a[contains(text(), 'Log out')]")).then(function(elements_arr)
            if(elements_arr.length > 0)
                loginFlag = 1;
                driver.findElements(By.xpath("//a[contains(@class, 'user-name m-r-sm text-muted welcome-message')]")).then(function(e){
                    if(e.length > 0)
                        console.log("No. of elements :"+e.length);
                        console.log("Found The USerName : ");
                        console.log("Username : "+e[0].text);//this is the line with the issue. It prints undefined
                driver.findElements(By.xpath("//div[contains(text(), 'Invalid credentials.')]")).then(function(elements_arr2)
                   if(elements_arr2.length > 0)
                        console.log("Login Unsuccessful, div invalid credentials found");
                        console.log("Login Unsuccessful, div invalid credentials not found");
            if(loginFlag == 1)
                console.log("Login Successful");
                console.log("Login Unsuccessful");
1. Caso 1: com e [0] .text

Meu problema está nesse script.

driver.findElements(By.xpath("//a[contains(@class, 'user-name m-r-sm text-muted welcome-message')]")).then(function(e){
                        if(e.length > 0)
                            console.log("No. of elements :"+e.length);
                            console.log("Found The USerName : ");
                            console.log("Username : "+e[0].text);//this is the line with the issue. It prints undefined

Como você pode ver,console.log("Username : "+e[0].text); está causando problema.

Por conveniência, esta é a mensagem completa que estou recebendo.

    C:\xampp\htdocs\testPhantomJS\node_modules\selenium-webdriver>env KEY=trade moch
a -t 120000 testMocha/login-as-administrator-mocha.js
You chose to enter as 'trade'

  TrackRevenue Test
Verification Successful - The correct title is displayed on the web page.
Login Successful
No. of elements :1
Found The USerName :
Username : undefined
    √ should work (71593ms)

  1 passing (1m)
2. Caso 2: com e.text

Agora, quando eu fiz as alterações, como:

driver.findElements(By.xpath("//a[contains(@class, 'user-name m-r-sm text-muted welcome-message')]")).then(function(e){
                        if(e.length > 0)
                            console.log("No. of elements :"+e.length);
                            console.log("Found The USerName : ");
                            console.log("Username : "+e.text);//this is the line with the issue. It prints undefined

Esta é a mensagem que recebo.

C:\xampp\htdocs\testPhantomJS\node_modules\selenium-webdriver>env KEY=trade moch
a -t 120000 testMocha/login-as-administrator-mocha.js
You chose to enter as 'trade'

  TrackRevenue Test
Verification Successful - The correct title is displayed on the web page.
Login Successful
No. of elements :1
Found The USerName :
Username : undefined
    √ should work (87006ms)

  1 passing (1m)
3. Caso 3: com e [0] .getText ()

Fiz as seguintes alterações:

driver.findElements(By.xpath("//a[contains(@class, 'user-name m-r-sm text-muted welcome-message')]")).then(function(e){
                    if(e.length > 0)
                        console.log("No. of elements :"+e.length);
                        console.log("Found The USerName : ");
                        console.log("Username : "+e[0].getText());

Aqui está a mensagem:

C:\xampp\htdocs\testPhantomJS\node_modules\selenium-webdriver>env KEY=trade moch
a -t 120000 testMocha/login-as-administrator-mocha.js
You chose to enter as 'trade'

  TrackRevenue Test
Verification Successful - The correct title is displayed on the web page.
Login Successful
No. of elements :1
Found The USerName :
Username : Promise::456 {[[PromiseStatus]]: "pending"}
    √ should work (37212ms)

  1 passing (37s)

Aqui está o HTML:

<ul class="nav navbar-top-links navbar-right">
      <a class="user-name m-r-sm text-muted welcome-message" href="/profile/">[email protected]</a>
      <a href="">
      <i class="fa fa-life-ring"></i>
      <a class="log-out" href="/logout">
      <i class="fa fa-sign-out"></i>
       Log out

