Lidando com arquivos que o Git se recusa a resetar?

Eu e meus colegas estamos tendo um problema terrível para conseguirgit se comportar adequadamente com determinados arquivos em nossos clones de repostioridade do Windows. Os clones foram criados clonando um repositório que se origina em uma máquina OSX. Nós definimos autocrlf para true, mas o problema é que nós geralmente encontramos arquivos quegit os pensamentos são mudados mesmo que nunca os tocemos (nem mesmo os abrimos em um editor.

A saída a seguir ilustra o problema: quaisquer ideias em que eu esteja errado?

$ git status                                                                                                 
# On branch master                                                                                           
# Your branch is behind 'origin/master' by 27 commits, and can be fast-forwarded.                            
# Changed but not updated:                                                                                   
#   (use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)                                               
#   (use "git checkout -- <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)                                
#       modified:   Web Applications/webclient/language/en/lang_copyitems.ini                                
no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a")                                            

Administrator@windows-dev ~/Documents/Workspace/prestige.git                                                 
$ git diff "Web Applications/webclient/language/en/lang_copyitems.ini"                                       
diff --git a/Web Applications/webclient/language/en/lang_copyitems.ini b/Web Applications/webclient/language/
index 800c188..ed11c0e 100644                                                                                
--- a/Web Applications/webclient/language/en/lang_copyitems.ini                                              
+++ b/Web Applications/webclient/language/en/lang_copyitems.ini                                              
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@                                                                                            
-<EF><BB><BF>   [Header]                                                                                     
-       Description=Language strings for 'copyitems.php'                                                     
-       [Messages]                                                                                           
-       300=Copy                                                                                             
-       301=Close                                                                                            
-       302=COPY STORIES                                                                                     
-       303=Name                                                                                             
-       304=In Queue                                                                                         
-       305=New Name                                                                                         
-       306=Items to Copy                                                                                    
-       308=This item has mandatory metadata fields that are not correctly set. Click any part of this messag
+<EF><BB><BF>   [Header]                                                                                     
+       Description=Language strings for 'copyitems.php'                                                     
+       [Messages]                                                                                           
+       300=Copy                                                                                             
+       301=Close                                                                                            
+       302=COPY STORIES                                                                                     
+       303=Name                                                                                             
+       304=In Queue                                                                                         
+       305=New Name                                                                                         
+       306=Items to Copy                                                                                    
+       308=This item has mandatory metadata fields that are not correctly set. Click any part of this messag

Administrator@windows-dev ~/Documents/Workspace/prestige.git                                                 
$ git checkout HEAD "Web Applications/webclient/language/en/lang_copyitems.ini"                              

Administrator@windows-dev ~/Documents/Workspace/prestige.git                                                 
$ git status                                                                                                 
# On branch master                                                                                           
# Your branch is behind 'origin/master' by 27 commits, and can be fast-forwarded.                            
# Changed but not updated:                                                                                   
#   (use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)                                               
#   (use "git checkout -- <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)                                
#       modified:   Web Applications/webclient/language/en/lang_copyitems.ini                                

