Falha na chamada ODBC 3146 - Access 2010

Consulte o código abaixo ...

Private Sub Save_Click()
  On Error GoTo err_I9_menu
  Dim dba As Database
  Dim dba2 As Database
  Dim rst As Recordset
  Dim rst1 As Recordset
  Dim rst2 As Recordset
  Dim rst3 As Recordset
  Dim SQL As String
  Dim dateandtime As String
  Dim FileSuffix As String
  Dim folder As String
  Dim strpathname As String
  Dim X As Integer

  X = InStrRev(Me!ListContents, "\")

  Call myprocess(True)

  folder = DLookup("[Folder]", "Locaton", "[LOC_ID] = '" & Forms!frmUtility![Site].Value & "'")
  strpathname = "\\Reman\PlantReports\" & folder & "\HR\Paperless\"
  dateandtime = getdatetime()

  If Nz(ListContents, "") <> "" Then
    Set dba = CurrentDb

    FileSuffix = Mid(Me!ListContents, InStrRev(Me!ListContents, "."), 4)

    SQL = "SELECT Extension FROM tbl_Forms WHERE Type = 'I-9'"
    SQL = SQL & " AND Action = 'Submit'"

    Set rst1 = dba.OpenRecordset(SQL, dbOpenDynaset, dbSeeChanges)

    If Not rst1.EOF Then
      newname = Me!DivisionNumber & "-" & Right(Me!SSN, 4) & "-" & LastName & dateandtime & rst1.Fields("Extension") & FileSuffix
      newname = Me!DivisionNumber & "-" & Right(Me!SSN, 4) & "-" & LastName & dateandtime & FileSuffix
    End If

    Set moveit = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

    copyto = strpathname & newname
    moveit.MoveFile Me.ListContents, copyto

    Set rst = Nothing
    Set dba = Nothing

  End If

  If Nz(ListContentsHQ, "") <> "" Then
    Set dba2 = CurrentDb

    FileSuffix = Mid(Me.ListContentsHQ, InStrRev(Me.ListContentsHQ, "."), 4)

    SQL = "SELECT Extension FROM tbl_Forms WHERE Type = 'HealthQuestionnaire'"
    SQL = SQL & " AND Action = 'Submit'"

    Set rst3 = dba2.OpenRecordset(SQL, dbOpenDynaset, dbSeeChanges)

    If Not rst3.EOF Then
      newname = Me!DivisionNumber & "-" & Right(Me!SSN, 4) & "-" & LastName & dateandtime & rst3.Fields("Extension") & FileSuffix
      newname = Me!DivisionNumber & "-" & Right(Me!SSN, 4) & "-" & LastName & dateandtime & FileSuffix
    End If

    Set moveit = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

    copyto = strpathname & newname
    moveit.MoveFile Me.ListContentsHQ, copyto

    Set rst2 = Nothing
    Set dba2 = Nothing

  End If

  Set dba = CurrentDb

  Set rst = dba.OpenRecordset("dbo_tbl_EmploymentLog", dbOpenDynaset, dbSeeChanges)

  rst.Fields("TransactionDate") = Date
  rst.Fields("EmployeeName") = Me.LastName
  rst.Fields("EmployeeSSN") = Me.SSN
  rst.Fields("EmployeeDOB") = Me.EmployeeDOB
  rst.Fields("I9Pathname") = strpathname
  rst.Fields("I9FileSent") = newname
  rst.Fields("Site") = DLookup("Folder", "Locaton", "Loc_ID='" & Forms!frmUtility!Site & "'")
  rst.Fields("UserID") = Forms!frmUtility!user_id
  rst.Fields("HqPathname") = strpathname
  rst.Fields("HqFileSent") = newname2

  Set dba = Nothing
  Set rst = Nothing

  Call myprocess(False)
  DivisionNumber = ""
  LastName = ""
  SSN = ""
  ListContents = ""
  ListContentsHQ = ""
  Exit Sub

  Call myprocess(False)
  MsgBox Err.Number & " " & Err.Description
  'MsgBox "The program has encountered an error and the data was NOT saved."
  Exit Sub

End Sub

Continuo recebendo um erro de chamada ODBC. As permissões estão todas corretas e o trecho de código anterior funcionava onde havia tabelas separadas para os logs I9 e Hq. A rotina é chamada quando alguém envia um conjunto de arquivos com informações específicas.

