TypeError: create_purple () recebe 0 argumentos posicionais, mas 2 foram dados

Sou novato em programação em Python e estou tentando fazer esse programa funcionar.

Eu fiz esse programa funcionar usando apenas as instruções "if" e "else", no entanto, eu queria criar esse mesmo programa com o método abaixo. Quando executo o programa, recebo o erro "TypeError: create_purple () leva 0 argumentos posicionais, mas 2 foram fornecidos" e não consigo descobrir o porquê.

Aqui está o meu código:

# This program will take any two primary colors and create a secondary color.
# Primary colors are:
# Blue, Red, Yellow
# Secondary colors are:
# Green, Orange, Purple

#Clear the screen
import os

RED = "red"
BLUE = "blue"
YELLOW = "yellow"

def main():
    print ('\n')
    # Tell the user the objective of the program.
    print ('*****************************************************************************')
    print ('*****************************************************************************')
    print ('\n')
    print ('The objective of this program is to create a secondary color from two primary')
    print ('colors. When asked, choose two primary colors (Red, Blue, or Yellow) to create')
    print ('a secondary color ')

    # Choose your colors
    color1 = input('Enter your first primary color: ')
    color2 = input('Enter your second primary color: ')

    # Determine the secondary color
    if color1 == RED and color2 == BLUE:

def create_purple():

    # Determine the color is purple
    if color1 == RED and color2 == BLUE:
        print ('\n')
        print ('You have made the color.... Purple ')
        if color1 == BLUE and color2 == RED:
            print ('\n')
            print ('You have made the color.... Purple ')

# Call the main function

