Consulta única obrigatória para buscar dados de tabelas

Eu tenho as seguintes tabelas

     //all users deails
    smsusers(id,fname , lname ,primary key(id));

 //message details of users
 //one smsusers can have N messages
 user_messages(messageid,message,adddate ,sentby,visibility,
 userid,primary key(messageid),foreign key(userid) references smsusers(id),
 foreign key(sentby) references smsusers(id));

 //One message(user_message) can have N comments
 comments(comment_id,comment_on ,commented_by,comment_date,
 comment,foreign key(commented_by) references smsusers(id),
 primary key(comment_id));

 //one message(user_message) can have N post_images
 foreign key(userid) references smsusers(id),primary key(image_id));

//one message(user_message) can have N likes
 likes(element_id,element_type ,liked_by,
 foreign key(liked_by) references smsusers(id) ,adddate, 
 primary key(element_id));

  //one smsusers(user) can have 1 profile_pic
 profile_pic(pic_id varchar(200),small_pic_path ,userid ,
 foreign key(userid) references smsusers(id),primary key(pic_id));

Eu quero buscar os seguintes detalhes para qualquer ID da mensagem e userid de user_messages

    1)all details from user_message, 
    2)last 05 comments related to messageid in ascending order from comments table 
      (one message can have multiple comments)which includes comment_id ,comment,
         comment_date,and details of commented_by(fname,lname,small_pic_path). 
    3)all small_pic_path from post_images(one message can have multiple images), 
    4)total likes from like table,
    5)all details (smsusers.*,profile_pic.*) of sentby( of table  user_messages)

Eu quero buscar todos esses detalhes.

Devo usar consultas ou funções para buscar todas essas informações?

Por favor, sugira uma consulta ou uma função para buscar todos os dados.

Eu estou usando o MySQL DB e struts2

