c ++ pasa un mapa por referencia a la función

¿Cómo puedo pasar unmap porreference en una función? Visual Studio 2010 me está dando unaunresolved externals error. Actualmente, tengo el siguiente código simplificado:

void function1(){
    map<int, int> * my_map = new map<int, int>(); 

void function2(map<int, int> &temp_map){
    //do stuff with the map

Hay algunas respuestas a preguntas similares aquí, pero hacen uso detypedef y agregandostd:: al comienzo de la definición, pero realmente no estoy seguro de por qué.

int ComputerPlayer::getBestMoves(){
    //will return the pit number of the best possible move. 

    //map to hold pit numbers and rankings for each possible pit number.
    //map<pitNumber, rank> only adds pit numbers to map if they have seeds in them.

    std::map<int, int> possiblePits; //map
    std::map<int, int>::iterator it; //iterator for map
    for(int index = 1; index <= getBoardSize(); index++){
        if(_board.getPitValue(index) > 0){
            possiblePits.insert( pair<int, int>(index, 0) ); 

    int tempBoardSize = _board.getBoardSize();

    //loop that will analyze all possible pits in the map
    for(it = possiblePits.begin(); it != possiblePits.end(); it++){
        Board tempBoard = _board;
        int pitNum = it->first; 

        int score = analyzePlay(pitNum, tempBoard, possiblePits);
    return 0; 

int analyzePlay(int pitNum, Board tempBoard, std::map<int, int> &possibleMoves){
    int tempBoardSize = tempBoard.getBoardSize(); 
    int tempSeeds = tempBoard.getPitValue(pitNum);
    int lastPitSown; 


    for(int index = 1; index <= tempSeeds; index++){

        if(pitNum == tempBoardSize * 2 + 1){
            //skips over human's score pit 
            pitNum += 2; 
            lastPitSown = pitNum;
            lastPitSown = pitNum;

    if(tempBoard.getPitValue(lastPitSown) == 1 && lastPitSown >= tempBoardSize + 2 && lastPitSown <= tempBoardSize * 2 + 1){
        //turn ends. last seed sown into empty pit on opponent side. 

    else if(tempBoard.getPitValue(lastPitSown) > 1 && lastPitSown != tempBoardSize + 1){
        //keep playing with next pit. last seed was sown into non-empty pit. 

    else if(lastPitSown == tempBoardSize + 1){
        //extra turn. last seed sown into score pit.

    else if(tempBoard.getPitValue(lastPitSown) == 1 && lastPitSown != tempBoardSize + 1 && lastPitSown <= tempBoardSize && lastPitSown >= 1 ){
        //turn ends. last seed sown into empty pit on your side. capture.

    return 0;

El error que estaba recibiendo:

Error   1   error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "public: int __thiscall ComputerPlayer::analyzePlay(int,class Board,class std::map<int,int,struct std::less<int>,class std::allocator<struct std::pair<int const ,int> > > &)" (?analyzePlay@ComputerPlayer@@QAEHHVBoard@@AAV?$map@HHU?$less@H@std@@V?$allocator@U?$pair@$CBHH@std@@@2@@std@@@Z) referenced in function "public: int __thiscallComputerPlayer::getBestMoves(void)" (?getBestMoves@ComputerPlayer@@QAEHXZ)    C:\Users\Josh\Dropbox\Congkak_2\Congkak_2\ComputerPlayer.obj
Error   2   error LNK1120: 1 unresolved externals   C:\Users\Josh\Dropbox\Congkak_2\Debug\Congkak_2.exe

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