SLinkedList y Node en Java

ara empezar, sí, esto es para una tarea en clase, pero mi falta de comprensión sobre cómo funciona es mayor de lo que quiero que sea.

Nos dieron 3 clases, son las siguientes:

package chapter3.linkedList;

public class SLinkedList<V> {
    // instance variables.  Add the tail reference.
    protected Node<V> head, tail;
    protected long size;

    // methods, empty list constructor first
    public SLinkedList () {
        head = null;
        tail = null;
        size = 0;
    }  // end constructor of a SLinkedList

    // method to add nodes to the list.  Storage space for the node
    // is already allocated in the calling method
    public void addFirst (Node<V> node) {
        // set the tail only if this is the very first node
        if (tail == null)
            tail = node;
        node.setNext (head);    // make next of the new node refer to the head
        head = node;            // give head a new value

        // change our size
    }  // end method addFirst

    // addAfter - add new node after current node, checking to see if we are at the tail
    public void addAfter (Node<V>currentNode, Node<V>newNode) {
        if (currentNode == tail)
            tail = newNode;
        newNode.setNext (currentNode.getNext ());
        currentNode.setNext (newNode);

        // change our size
    }  // end method addAfter

    // addLast - add new node after the tail node.  Adapted from Code Fragment 3.15, p. 118.
    // Mike Qualls
    public void addLast (Node<V> node) {
        node.setNext (null);
        tail.setNext (node);
        tail = node;
    }  // end method addLast

    // methods to remove nodes from the list.  (Unfortunately, with a single linked list
    // there is no way to remove last.  Need a previous reference to do that.  (See
    // Double Linked Lists and the code below.)
    public Node<V> removeFirst () {
        if (head == null)
            System.err.println("Error:  Attempt to remove from an empty list");

        // save the one to return
        Node<V> temp = head;

        // do reference manipulation
        head = head.getNext ();

        return temp;

    }  // end method removeFirst

    // remove the node at the end of the list.  tail refers to this node, but
    // since the list is single linked, there is no way to refer to the node
    // before the tail node.  Need to traverse the list.
    public Node<V> removeLast () {
        // // declare local variables/objects
        Node<V> nodeBefore;
        Node<V> nodeToRemove;

        // make sure we have something to remove
        if (size == 0)
            System.err.println("Error:  Attempt to remove fron an empty list");

        // traverse through the list, getting a reference to the node before
        // the trailer.  Since there is no previous reference.
        nodeBefore = getFirst ();

        // potential error  ??  See an analysis and drawing that indicates the number of iterations
        // 9/21/10.  size - 2 to account for the head and tail nodes.  We want to refer to the one before the
        // tail.
        for (int count = 0; count < size - 2; count++)
            nodeBefore = nodeBefore.getNext ();

        // save the last node
        nodeToRemove = tail;

        // now, do the pointer manipulation
        nodeBefore.setNext (null);
        tail = nodeBefore;

        return nodeToRemove;

    }  // end method removeLast

    // method remove.  Remove a known node from the list.  No need to search or return a value.  This method
    // makes use of a 'before' reference in order to allow list manipulation.
    public void remove (Node<V> nodeToRemove) {
        // declare local variables/references
        Node<V> nodeBefore, currentNode;

        // make sure we have something to remove
        if (size == 0)
            System.err.println("Error:  Attempt to remove fron an empty list");

        // starting at the beginning check for removal
        currentNode = getFirst ();
        if (currentNode == nodeToRemove)
            removeFirst ();
        currentNode = getLast ();
        if (currentNode == nodeToRemove)
            removeLast ();

        // we've already check two nodes, check the rest
        if (size - 2 > 0) {
            nodeBefore = getFirst ();
            currentNode = getFirst ().getNext ();
            for (int count = 0; count < size - 2; count++) {
                if (currentNode == nodeToRemove) {
                    // remove current node
                    nodeBefore.setNext (currentNode.getNext ());
                }  // end if node found

                // change references
                nodeBefore = currentNode;
                currentNode = currentNode.getNext ();
            }  // end loop to process elements
        }  // end if size - 2 > 0

    }  // end method remove

    // the gets to return the head and/or tail nodes and size of the list
    public Node<V> getFirst () { return head; }
    public Node<V> getLast () { return tail; }  
    public long getSize () { return size; }

}  // end class SLinkedList

package chapter3.linkedList;

public class Node<V> {
    // instance variables
    private V element;
    private Node<V> next;

    // methods, constructor first
    public Node () {
        this (null, null);      // call the constructor with two args
    }  // end no argument constructor
    public Node (V element, Node<V> next) {
        this.element = element; = next;
    }  // end constructor with arguments

    // set/get methods
    public V getElement () { return element; }
    public Node<V> getNext () { return next; }
    public void setElement (V element) { this.element = element; }
    public void setNext (Node<V> next) { = next; }

}  // end class Node


package Project_1;

public class GameEntry 
    protected String name;  // name of the person earning this score
    protected int score;    // the score value
    /** Constructor to create a game entry */
    public GameEntry(String name, int score) 
    { = name;
      this.score = score;
    /** Retrieves the name field */
    public String getName() 
        return name; 
    /** Retrieves the score field */
    public int getScore() 
        return score; 
    /** Returns a string representation of this entry */
    public String toString() 
      return "(" + name + ", " + score + ")"; 


He pasado el pas, t 3 horas escuchando su conferencia, leyendo el texto (Data Structures and Algorithms 5th Edition) y mirando a través de foros de internet y videos de youtube, pero parece que no puedo entender cómo para utilizar la clase node / slinkedlist.

l objetivo de la tarea es "Escribir una clase que mantenga los 10 mejores puntajes o una aplicación de juego, implementando los métodos de agregar y quitar, pero usando una sola lista vinculada en lugar de una matriz.

No quiero que alguien haga esto por mí, pero sí quiero saber cómo hacer la lista vinculada. Sé que esto NO es tan difícil, pero hacerlo con este código que le ha dado se ha vuelto dolorosamente difícil, cualquier ayuda sería muy apreciada.

Gracias de antemano


Mi función principal:

package Project_1;

public class ScoresTest {

     * @param args
    public static void main(String[] args) 
          GameEntry entry;
          Scores highScores = new Scores();     
          entry = new GameEntry("Anna", 600);       
          entry = new GameEntry("Paul", 720);
          System.out.println("The Original High Scores");

          entry = new GameEntry("Jill", 1150);
          System.out.println("Scores after adding Jill");


Esto es en su mayor parte exactamente cómo debería terminar viéndose, pero es todo lo que hace que este trabajo me esté desanimando ... bueno ... todo lo relacionado con las 3 clases mencionadas anteriormente, podría hacer esto si no fueran ' Es un factor sin demasiado problema, son lo que está causando mi espacio en blanco.

Respuestas a la pregunta(1)

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