El botón de envío del formulario no funciona en Google Chrome (jQuery Validate)

Estoy usando el complemento jQuery Validate en mi página de demostración y, por alguna razón, el botón Enviar no funciona en Google Chrome. Sospecho que tiene que ver con la función de Autocompletar, pero no estoy seguro:

He estado luchando con este problema uno y apagado por unos días ahora.

Aquí está el enlace:Formulario de contact

Aquí hay un fragmento del código jQuery. Todos los js utilizados en el archivo se pueden encontrar en: código js combinado - El código del inicializador está en la parte inferior.

/* ----- Validation ----- */
    rules: {
        email: {
            required: true,
            email: true
        name: "required",
        last: "required",
        phone: {
            required: true,
            phoneUS: true,
            minlength: 10,
            maxlength: 14
        city: "required",
        state: "required",
        zip: {
            required: true,
            minlength: 5,
            maxlength: 10
        testimonial: {
            required: true,
            minlength: 5
        security_code: "required"

    submitHandler: function(form) {
        return false;

    messages: {
        email: "<span class='errors'>Please enter a valid email address</span>",
        name: {
            required: "<span class='errors'>Please enter your first name</span>"
        last: {
            required: "<span class='errors'>Please enter your last name</span>"
        phone: {
            required: "<span class='errors'>Please enter your phone number</span>",
            phoneUS: "<span class='errors'>Please enter a valid phone number</span>",
            minlength: "<span class='errors'>Phone number too short</span>",
            maxlength: "<span class='errors'>Phone number too long</span>"
        city: "<span class='errors'>Please enter your city</span>",
        state: "<span class='errors'>Please choose your state</span>",
        zip: {
            required: "<span class='errors'>Please enter your zip code</span>",
            minlength: "<span class='errors'>Zip Code must be more than 4 characters</span>",
            maxlength: "<span class='errors'>Zip Code must be less than 11 characters</span>"
        testimonial: {
            required: "<span class='errors'>Please enter your testimonial</span>",
            minlength: "<span class='errors'>Testimonial must be more than 5 characters</span>"
        security_code: "<span class='errors'>This field is required</span>"

    errorPlacement: function(error, element) {
        if (element.attr('id') != 'security_code_input') {
        } else {

/* ----- Input Masking ----- */
$("#phone").mask("(999) 999-9999");


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