rueba funcional @Ruby on Rails con autenticación Devise

Estoy buscando una solución para un problema extraño. Tengo un controlador, que necesita autenticación (con la gema de diseño). Agregué el Devise TestHelpers pero no puedo hacerlo funcionar.

require 'test_helper'

class KeysControllerTest < ActionController::TestCase  
   include Devise::TestHelpers  
   fixtures :keys

   def setup
      @user = User.create!(
        :email => '[email protected]',
        :password => 'MyTestingPassword',
        :password_confirmation => 'MyTestingPassword'
      sign_in @user
      @key = keys(:one)

   test "should get index" do
      get :index    
      assert_response :success
      assert_not_nil assigns(:keys)

   test "should get new" do
      get :new
      assert_response :success

   test "should create key" do
      assert_difference('Key.count') do
         post :create, :key => @key.attributes

      assert_redirected_to key_path(assigns(:key))

   test "should destroy key" do
      assert_difference('Key.count', -1) do
         delete :destroy, :id => @key.to_param

      assert_redirected_to keys_path


Y obtengo el siguiente resultado en mi ventana "prueba de rastrillo":

29) Failure:
test_should_create_key(KeysControllerTest) [/test/functional/keys_controller_test.rb:29]:
"Key.count" didn't change by 1.
<3> expected but was

 30) Failure:
test_should_destroy_key(KeysControllerTest) [/test/functional/keys_controller_test.rb:37]:
"Key.count" didn't change by -1.
<1> expected but was

 31) Failure:
test_should_get_index(KeysControllerTest) [/test/functional/keys_controller_test.rb:19]:
Expected response to be a <:success>, but was <302>

 32) Failure:
test_should_get_new(KeysControllerTest) [/test/functional/keys_controller_test.rb:25]:
Expected response to be a <:success>, but was <302>

¿Puede alguien decirme, por qué idear no se autentica? Estoy usando exactamente el mismo procedimiento para un AdminController y funciona perfectamente.

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