Dialogflow NodeJs Fulfillment V2: la llamada al método webhook finaliza antes de completar la devolución de llamada

Estoy desarrollando un webhook Dialogflow usando dialogflow -cumplement-nodejs cliente para encontrar la temperatura de una ciudad. Al usar los servicios para obtener la temperatura de una ciudad, todo funciona y también se genera la respuesta correcta, pero la respuesta no se envía al usuario incluso cuando se llama al método correcto.

Aquí está el problema en el repositorio de Dialogflow GitHub


function getTemp(agent) {
    const timeStart = new Date().getTime();
    console.info(`temp function called`);
    // agent.add(`Temperature in New Delhi is 50 degree Celsius!`); // This works
    serviceRequest.getTemp("New Delhi", function(resp){
        if (resp['status'] === 'Y') {
            // success
            const msg = `Temperature in New Delhi is ${resp['temp']} Celsius!`;
            console.log(`Speech Response -- ${msg}`);
            console.log(`Type of msg -> ${typeof msg}`);
        } else {
            // failure
            agent.add(`There was some error with the backend. Please try again later.`);
        const timeEnds = new Date().getTime();
        console.log("\nComplete 'getTemp' process took " + (timeEnds - timeStart) + " milliseconds.")
    console.log("------ temperature function ends here ------");

'getTemp': function (city, callback) {
        let respBack = {};
            respBack['temp'] = resp;
            respBack['status'] = 'Y';


function doTimeOutTest(callback){
    // below commented code takes < 10 ms to execute, but does not send any response back to dialogflow as call ends before it is executed
    // setTimeout(function() {
    //     callback("30 degree");
    // }, 1);

    // Below code works even when it takes more time to execute
    for(let i=0; i<10000; i++){
        for(let j=0; j<10000; j++){
    callback("30 degree");

Console Logs

Cuando el código comentado se ejecuta

>>>>>>> S E R V E R   H I T <<<<<<<

temp function called
------ temperature function ends here ------
Speech Response -- Temperature in New Delhi is 30 degree Celsius!
Type of msg -> string

Complete 'getTemp' process took 10 milliseconds.

Cuando el código no comentado se ejecuta

>>>>>>> S E R V E R   H I T <<<<<<<

temp function called
Speech Response -- Temperature in New Delhi is 30 degree Celsius!
Type of msg -> string

Complete 'getTemp' process took 77 milliseconds.
------ temperature function ends here ------

nlace de código src de @NodeJS Dialogflow -https: //github.com/dialogflow/dialogflow-fulfillment-nodejs/blob/master/src/dialogflow-fulfillment.j