Error al ejecutar 'removeChild' en 'Node' con FontAwesome en React

Recibo el siguiente error cada vez que intento usar un ícono giratorio FontAwesome (conclassName='fa-spin') en Reaccionar:

Uncaught DOMException: Failed to execute 'removeChild' on 'Node': The node to be removed is not a child of this node.
at removeChild (http://localhost:5000/public/bundle.js:19553:22)
at unmountHostComponents (http://localhost:5000/public/bundle.js:13683:11)
at commitDeletion (http://localhost:5000/public/bundle.js:13727:5)
at commitAllHostEffects (http://localhost:5000/public/bundle.js:14419:13)
at HTMLUnknownElement.callCallback (http://localhost:5000/public/bundle.js:5035:14)
at Object.invokeGuardedCallbackDev (http://localhost:5000/public/bundle.js:5074:16)
at invokeGuardedCallback (http://localhost:5000/public/bundle.js:4931:27)
at commitRoot (http://localhost:5000/public/bundle.js:14508:9)
at performWorkOnRoot (http://localhost:5000/public/bundle.js:15510:42)
at performWork (http://localhost:5000/public/bundle.js:15460:7)

EDITAR: El problema ha surgido un par de veces, y el código en sí no tiene nada de especial. He estado usando la ruleta como icono de carga, y el error ocurre cada vez que la ruleta se reemplaza por contenido. Ejemplo:

return (
    {this.state.loading === true ? <i className="fa-spin fas fa-sync"></i> : ( === 0 ? (
        <div className='text-center'>
          <h2>There doesn't seem to be anything here...</h2><br />
          <h2 style={buttonStyle}>Get started by </h2><button style={buttonStyle} className='btn btn-md btn-success' onClick={(e) => this.props.setView(e, 'browserecipes')}>browsing existing recipes</button><h2 style={buttonStyle}> or </h2><button style={buttonStyle} className='btn btn-success btn-md' onClick={(e) => this.props.setView(e, 'addrecipe')}>adding a recipe.</button>
      ) : (
          <h1 className='text-center title'>My Recipe Cloud</h1>


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