APOC solo está instalando parcialmente su extensión en neo4j (un procedimiento)

Descargué apoc- y lo coloqué en los complementos para mi sistema windows7 Neo4J 3.1.1.

C:\Users>java -version
java version "1.8.0_121"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_121-b13)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.121-b13, mixed mode)

Eliminó el proceso Neo4J en la computadora y luego reinició el servidor.

Solo estoy viendo una apoc p, lista de procedimientos, otros dan un error sobre la falta de procedimiento. No hay signos de errores en el registro neo4j. Intenté desbloquear el jar y reiniciar el servidor. Sin suerte.

No tengo problema con hacerlo

Call db.schema()

Pero algo tan simple como:

CALL apoc.help("help")

resultará en un

There is no procedure with the name `apoc.help` registered for this database instance. Please ensure you've spelled the procedure name correctly and that the procedure is properly deployed.

¡Qué estoy haciendo mal, supongo que debo ser yo!)

$call dbms.procedures

apoc.schema.assert  apoc.schema.assert(indexes :: MAP?, constraints :: MAP?) :: (label :: STRING?, key :: LIST? OF STRING?, unique :: BOOLEAN?, action :: STRING?)  (empty)
db.awaitIndex   db.awaitIndex(index :: STRING?, timeOutSeconds = 300 :: INTEGER?) :: VOID   Wait for an index to come online (for example: CALL db.awaitIndex(":Person(name)")).
db.constraints  db.constraints() :: (description :: STRING?)    List all constraints in the database.
db.indexes  db.indexes() :: (description :: STRING?, state :: STRING?, type :: STRING?) List all indexes in the database.
db.labels   db.labels() :: (label :: STRING?)   List all labels in the database.
db.propertyKeys db.propertyKeys() :: (propertyKey :: STRING?)   List all property keys in the database.
db.relationshipTypes    db.relationshipTypes() :: (relationshipType :: STRING?) List all relationship types in the database.
db.resampleIndex    db.resampleIndex(index :: STRING?) :: VOID  Schedule resampling of an index (for example: CALL db.resampleIndex(":Person(name)")).
db.resampleOutdatedIndexes  db.resampleOutdatedIndexes() :: VOID    Schedule resampling of all outdated indexes.
db.schema   db.schema() :: (nodes :: LIST? OF NODE?, relationships :: LIST? OF RELATIONSHIP?)   Show the schema of the data.
dbms.changePassword dbms.changePassword(password :: STRING?) :: VOID    Change the current user's password. Deprecated by dbms.security.changePassword.
dbms.components dbms.components() :: (name :: STRING?, versions :: LIST? OF STRING?, edition :: STRING?)    List DBMS components and their versions.
dbms.functions  dbms.functions() :: (name :: STRING?, signature :: STRING?, description :: STRING?) List all user functions in the DBMS.
dbms.procedures dbms.procedures() :: (name :: STRING?, signature :: STRING?, description :: STRING?)    List all procedures in the DBMS.
dbms.queryJmx   dbms.queryJmx(query :: STRING?) :: (name :: STRING?, description :: STRING?, attributes :: MAP?)    Query JMX management data by domain and name. For instance, "org.neo4j:*"
dbms.security.changePassword    dbms.security.changePassword(password :: STRING?) :: VOID   Change the current user's password.
dbms.security.createUser    dbms.security.createUser(username :: STRING?, password :: STRING?, requirePasswordChange = true :: BOOLEAN?) :: VOID    Create a new user.
dbms.security.deleteUser    dbms.security.deleteUser(username :: STRING?) :: VOID   Delete the specified user.
dbms.security.listUsers dbms.security.listUsers() :: (username :: STRING?, flags :: LIST? OF STRING?)   List all local users.
dbms.security.showCurrentUser   dbms.security.showCurrentUser() :: (username :: STRING?, flags :: LIST? OF STRING?) Show the current user.STRING?)

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