Angular 2: ¿por qué necesito ()?

Estoy tratando de crear un componente en Angular 2 que muestre datos de un servicio. El servicio básicamente carga algunos datos de un archivo json después de alguna entrada del usuario. He estado tratando de actualizar el componente, pero no parece reconocer los cambios a menos que llame a () después de enviar un evento desde mi servicio. Mi código es el siguiente para el componente ...

    selector: 'assess-asset-group',
    directives: [AssetComponent, AssetHeaderComponent, NgFor, NgIf],
    template: `

            <div *ngIf="assetService.schema != null">
                <div class="asset-group" *ngFor="#assetTypeName of assetService.schema.assetTypeNames"> 
                    <div class="asset-type-title"><span>{{assetService.schema.assetTypes[assetTypeName].name}}s</span></div> 
                    <table class="asset-group-table" cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>
                            <tr assess-asset-header [assetType]="assetService.schema.assetTypes[assetTypeName]"></tr>
                            <tr assess-asset *ngFor="#asset of assetService.assetsForType(assetTypeName)" [asset]="asset"></tr>
                    <button class="new-asset-btn" (click)="assetService.addAsset(assetTypeName)">New</button>
    providers: [provide(AssetService, {useValue: injector.get(AssetService)})]
export class AssetGroupComponent {

    public assetService: AssetService;
    public zone: NgZone;

    constructor( @Inject(AssetService) assetService: AssetService, zone: NgZone) {
        this.assetService = assetService; = zone;

    ngOnInit() {
        this.assetService.proejectLoadedEmitter.subscribe((e) => { => { }) });

    ngOnDestroy() {

¿Estoy haciendo algo mal o es esto lo que necesito hacer para actualizar la vista?

ACTUALIZACIÓN - Clase AssetService

export class AssetService{
    public assets: Assets.Asset[] = [];
    public assetTypeDefinitions: any = null;

    public schema: Schema = null;
    public assetsAsObj: any = null; // Asset file loaded as object

    @Output() proejectLoadedEmitter: EventEmitter<any> = new EventEmitter();


    public loadProject(config: Project){
        // Load schema
        // populate AssetTypeDefinitions as object keyed by type
        let data = fs.readFileSync(config.schemaPath, 'utf8');
        if (!data) {
            utils.logError("Error reading schema file");
        let struc = fs.readFileSync(config.structurePath, 'utf8');
        if (!struc) {
            utils.logError("Error reading structure file");

        this.schema = new Schema(JSON.parse(data), struc);

     * @brief Adds a new asset to the assets array 
     * @details Constructs the asset based on the type and populates
     *  its fields with appropreiate default values
     * @param type The type of the asset - specified in the schema
    public addAsset(type: string): void {
        // Need to make sure there is a loaded type definition for the specified type
            utils.logError("Error occured during call to addAsset - type \"" + type + "\" is not specified in the loaded schema");
        // Creeate a new asset object - passing in the type definition from the schema
        this.assets.push(new Assets.Asset(this.schema.assetTypes[type]));

     * Write the current assets to a file using the specified format
     * If the outputPasth isn't specied try and load it from the project.json file
    public writeAssets(format:AssetWriteFormat, outputPath?: string) : void {

        var outStructureStr = this.schema.structureStr;
        // insert AS properties from schema into output assets => {
            outStructureStr = outStructureStr.replace(new RegExp('"' + prop +'"', 'i'), this.retriveValueForSchemaProperty(prop));

        fs.writeFileSync("C:/Projects/Assess/assets.json", outStructureStr);

    public readAssets(inputPath?: string) : void{
        let assetsStr = fs.readFileSync(inputPath, 'utf8');

        let strucToAssetMap = {};
        let strucObj = JSON.parse(this.schema.structureStr); => {
            strucToAssetMap[p] = this.findValueInObject(strucObj, p).reverse();

        // @TODO Load custom properties
        let assetsObj = JSON.parse(assetsStr);
        var c = null;
        strucToAssetMap["AS_ASSETS"].forEach(p => {
            if(c == null){
                c = assetsObj[p];
                c = c[p];
        c.forEach((asset) => {
            let a:Assets.Asset = new Assets.Asset(this.schema.assetTypes[asset.type], asset);

    public assetsForType(type:string): Assets.Asset[]{
        var ret: Assets.Asset[] = [];
        for(let idx in this.assets){
            if(this.assets[idx].definition.type === type){
        return ret;

    public retriveValueForSchemaProperty(property: string) : string{
        if(AS_SchemaTypes.indexOf(property) != -1){
            switch (property) {
                case "AS_ASSETS":
                    let outAssets = [];
                    this.assets.forEach((asset) => {
                        let outAsset = {};
                        outAsset["type"] = asset.definition.type;

                        for (let key in asset.fields) {
                            outAsset[key] = asset.fields[key].value;
                    return JSON.stringify(outAssets, null, "\t");
            // @TODO Retrive custom properties
            return '"DDDDDD"';
        return "";

    public findValueInObject(obj: any, property: string, path: any[] = []): any[] {
        for(let x in obj){;
            let val = obj[x];
            if (val == property){
                return path;
            else if(val != null && typeof val == 'object'){
                let v = this.findValueInObject(val, property, path);
                if(v != null){
                    return path;
        return null;