Usar una macro para inicializar una gran variedad de elementos que no son Copiar

Estoy tratando de inicializar una gran variedad de elementos con el mismo inicializador. 64 elementos es solo un ejemplo: quiero que sea al menos 16k. Lamentablemente un simple

let array : [AllocatedMemory<u8>; 64] = [AllocatedMemory::<u8>{mem:&mut []};64];

no funcionará porque elAllocatedMemory estructura no implementaCopy

error: the trait `core::marker::Copy` is not implemented for the type `AllocatedMemory<'_, u8>` [E0277]
let array : [AllocatedMemory<u8>; 64] = [AllocatedMemory::<u8>{mem:&mut []}; 64];

Así que probé las macros en vano:

struct AllocatedMemory<'a, T: 'a> {
    mem: &'a mut [T],

macro_rules! init_memory_helper {
    (1, $T : ty) => { AllocatedMemory::<$T>{mem: &mut []} };
    (2, $T : ty) => { init_memory_helper!(1, $T), init_memory_helper!(1, $T) };
    (4, $T : ty) => { init_memory_helper!(2, $T), init_memory_helper!(2, $T) };
    (8, $T : ty) => { init_memory_helper!(4, $T), init_memory_helper!(4, $T) };
    (16, $T : ty) => { init_memory_helper!(8, $T), init_memory_helper!(8, $T) };
    (32, $T : ty) => { init_memory_helper!(16, $T), init_memory_helper!(16, $T) };
    (64, $T : ty) => { init_memory_helper!(32, $T), init_memory_helper!(32, $T) };

macro_rules! init_memory {
    (1, $T : ty) => { [init_memory_helper!(1, $T)] };
    (2, $T : ty) => { [init_memory_helper!(2, $T)] };
    (4, $T : ty) => { [init_memory_helper!(4, $T)] };
    (8, $T : ty) => { [init_memory_helper!(8, $T)] };
    (16, $T : ty) => { [init_memory_helper!(16, $T)] };
    (32, $T : ty) => { [init_memory_helper!(32, $T)] };
    (64, $T : ty) => { [init_memory_helper!(64, $T)] };

fn main() {
    let array: [AllocatedMemory<u8>; 64] = init_memory!(64, u8);
    println!("{:?}", array[0].mem.len());

El mensaje de error es

error: macro expansion ignores token `,` and any following
    (64, $T : ty) => { init_memory_helper!(32, $T), init_memory_helper!(32, $T) };
note: caused by the macro expansion here; the usage of `init_memory_helper!` is likely invalid in expression context

¿Hay alguna forma de inicializar esta matriz sin cortar y pegar cada inicializador?

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