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He estado leyendo las posibilidades de AMP, pero parece que no puedo entender por qué mi página no se muestra como Google lo muestra en su demostración (ver Mi página habitual es esta:

<!DOCTYPE html>
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        <title>An example of an AMP Project; a part of a self-writen paper about maintainability</title>
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        <meta name="description" content="Every software engineering project has a certain degree of maintainability. Period.">
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        <h2>Maintainability of an Open Source Software Engineering Project</h2>
            <b>Every software engineering project has a certain degree of maintainability which is directly derivable to the quality of the software, the complexity of the code, the amount and quality of the documentation and the understandability. In this paper, the maintainability of a randomly chosen open source Android application called TeamTalk is measured with the SIG Maintainability Model, created by the Software Improvement Group. The conclusion of the paper is an advice on improving maintainability towards the creators of this application.</b>
            Every software engineering project has a certain degree of maintainability which is directly derivable to the quality of the software, the complexity of the code, the amount and quality of the documentation and the understandability \cite{Heitlager07}. Maintainability is an often forgotten software quality attribute \cite{Radatz90, Swanson76} but a rather important one. Approximately 40 - 80\% of software`s life cycle is spent on maintainability \cite{Coleman94, Dubey11, Kiewkanya05}. Maintaining an application will cost less time and thus less money if the maintainability is given proper attention.<br />
            <br />
            The goal of this paper is to gain insight into the maintainability of a randomly chosen open source application; in this case, it is the Android \cite{Android} app TeamTalk \cite{TeamTalk}. For this, we will measure the software quality attributes \cite{ISO} of maintainability; the analyzability, changeability, stability and testability.<br />
            <br />
            In section 2 we will give more insights about the background of the app TeamTalk and about what the SIG Maintainability Model is. In section 3 the used tools and the approach, based on the SIG Maintainability Model, will be discussed. Section 4 shows and discusses the results, on which an overall adice is given in section 5. The paper will be concluded with a summary of the results and what our advice is for the TeamTalk developers.<br />

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Y mi página html de AMP es así:

<!doctype html>
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    <title>Hello, AMPs</title>
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    <meta name="description" content="Every software engineering project has a certain degree of maintainability. Periods.">
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            <h1>Maintainability of an Open Source Software Engineering Project</h1>
                <b>Every software engineering project has a certain degree of maintainability which is directly derivable to the quality of the software, the complexity of the code, the amount and quality of the documentation and the understandability. In this paper, the maintainability of a randomly chosen open source Android application called TeamTalk is measured with the SIG Maintainability Model, created by the Software Improvement Group. The conclusion of the paper is an advice on improving maintainability towards the creators of this application.</b>
                Every software engineering project has a certain degree of maintainability which is directly derivable to the quality of the software, the complexity of the code, the amount and quality of the documentation and the understandability \cite{Heitlager07}. Maintainability is an often forgotten software quality attribute \cite{Radatz90, Swanson76} but a rather important one. Approximately 40 - 80\% of software`s life cycle is spent on maintainability \cite{Coleman94, Dubey11, Kiewkanya05}. Maintaining an application will cost less time and thus less money if the maintainability is given proper attention.<br />
                <br />
                The goal of this paper is to gain insight into the maintainability of a randomly chosen open source application; in this case, it is the Android \cite{Android} app TeamTalk \cite{TeamTalk}. For this, we will measure the software quality attributes \cite{ISO} of maintainability; the analyzability, changeability, stability and testability.<br />
                <br />
                In section 2 we will give more insights about the background of the app TeamTalk and about what the SIG Maintainability Model is. In section 3 the used tools and the approach, based on the SIG Maintainability Model, will be discussed. Section 4 shows and discusses the results, on which an overall adice is given in section 5. The paper will be concluded with a summary of the results and what our advice is for the TeamTalk developers.<br />

Se muestra así en la búsqueda de Google Y en la demostración de AMP. Sé que mi página está en caché por Google: A nivel local, mi AMP está validado, pero en la versión en caché dice que la etiqueta del script no es válida a pesar de que es el javascript del motor AMP, que debe considerarse válido.

Mi pregunta; ¿Esto aún no está implementado en las búsquedas de Google, o estoy haciendo algo mal?

Mi resultado de búsqueda de Google se ve así:

Respuestas a la pregunta(3)

Su respuesta a la pregunta