GRÁFICO SAS: alinee el eje para 2 parcelas con filas de celosía

Realmente estoy luchando con este problema, realmente no puedo encontrar una solución y espero que, publicando aquí, alguien me ayude.

El problema es que con esta plantilla de 2 filas de celosía no puedo alinear el eje.

Ahora detallo todo lo que hice con el código para reproducir cada paso:

Tengo esta trama

Aquí el código tanto para el gráfico como para el conjunto de datos de muestra (es una versión simple de esto:

Conjunto de datos de muestra:

data immune;
   format sival f6.3;
   input trt $ 1-8 cyc $ 10-18 pt lbparm $ xval sival;
Drug A   Cycle 1   1   C3  1   1.120
Drug A   Cycle 1   1   C4  1   0.147
Drug A   Cycle 1   1   C3  2   1.080
Drug A   Cycle 1   1   C4  2   0.131
Drug A   Cycle 1   1   C3  3   0.887
Drug A   Cycle 1   1   C4  3   0.113
Drug A   Cycle 2   1   C3  4   1.440
Drug A   Cycle 2   1   C4  4   0.278
Drug A   Cycle 2   1   C3  5   1.180
Drug A   Cycle 2   1   C4  5   0.234
Drug A   Cycle 2   1   C3  6   1.360
Drug A   Cycle 2   1   C4  6   0.281
Drug A   Cycle 3   1   C3  7   1.190
Drug A   Cycle 3   1   C4  7   0.282
Drug A   Cycle 3   1   C3  8   1.000
Drug A   Cycle 3   1   C4  8   0.228
Drug A   Cycle 3   1   C3  9   1.040
Drug A   Cycle 3   1   C4  9   0.228
Drug A   Cycle 4   1   C3 10   0.917
Drug A   Cycle 4   1   C4 10   0.163
Drug A   Cycle 4   1   C3 11   0.789
Drug A   Cycle 4   1   C4 11   0.136
Drug A   Cycle 4   1   C3 12   0.861
Drug A   Cycle 4   1   C4 12   0.148
Drug A   Cycle 1   2   C3  1   1.180
Drug A   Cycle 1   2   C4  1   0.264
Drug A   Cycle 1   2   C3  2   0.942
Drug A   Cycle 1   2   C4  2   0.184
Drug A   Cycle 1   2   C3  3   1.010
Drug A   Cycle 1   2   C4  3   0.160
Drug A   Cycle 2   2   C3  4   1.050
Drug A   Cycle 2   2   C4  4   0.134
Drug A   Cycle 2   2   C3  5   0.980
Drug A   Cycle 2   2   C4  5   0.120
Drug A   Cycle 2   2   C3  6   1.020
Drug A   Cycle 2   2   C4  6   0.126
Drug A   Cycle 3   2   C3  7   0.961
Drug A   Cycle 3   2   C4  7   0.110
Drug A   Cycle 3   2   C3  8   0.859
Drug A   Cycle 3   2   C4  8   0.091
Drug A   Cycle 3   2   C3  9   0.928
Drug A   Cycle 3   2   C4  9   0.097
Drug A   Cycle 4   2   C3 10   1.380
Drug A   Cycle 4   2   C4 10   0.330
Drug A   Cycle 4   2   C3 11   1.210
Drug A   Cycle 4   2   C4 11   0.281
Drug A   Cycle 4   2   C3 12   1.180
Drug A   Cycle 4   2   C4 12   0.278
Drug A   Cycle 1   3   C3  1   1.180
Drug A   Cycle 1   3   C4  1   0.269
Drug A   Cycle 1   3   C3  2   1.010
Drug A   Cycle 1   3   C4  2   0.213
Drug A   Cycle 1   3   C3  3   1.040
Drug A   Cycle 1   3   C4  3   0.200
Drug A   Cycle 2   3   C3  4   1.200
Drug A   Cycle 2   3   C4  4   0.332
Drug A   Cycle 2   3   C4  5   0.371
Drug A   Cycle 2   3   C4  6   0.316
Drug A   Cycle 3   3   C4  7   0.271
Drug A   Cycle 3   3   C3  8   1.050
Drug A   Cycle 3   3   C4  8   0.246
Drug A   Cycle 3   3   C3  9   1.100
Drug A   Cycle 3   3   C4  9   0.248
Drug A   Cycle 4   3   C3 10   1.090
Drug A   Cycle 4   3   C4 10   0.234
Drug A   Cycle 4   3   C3 11   0.937
Drug A   Cycle 4   3   C3 12   0.980
Drug A   Cycle 1   4   C3  1   1.220
Drug A   Cycle 1   4   C4  1   0.182
Drug A   Cycle 1   4   C3  2   0.983
Drug A   Cycle 1   4   C4  2   0.132
Drug A   Cycle 1   4   C3  3   0.979
Drug A   Cycle 1   4   C4  3   0.128
Drug A   Cycle 2   4   C3  4   1.190
Drug A   Cycle 2   4   C4  4   0.134
Drug A   Cycle 2   4   C3  5   1.010
Drug A   Cycle 2   4   C4  5   0.076
Drug A   Cycle 2   4   C3  6   1.100
Drug A   Cycle 2   4   C4  6   0.083
Drug A   Cycle 3   4   C3  7   1.140
Drug A   Cycle 3   4   C4  7   0.108
Drug A   Cycle 3   4   C3  8   1.140
Drug A   Cycle 3   4   C4  8   0.104
Drug A   Cycle 3   4   C3  9   1.120
Drug A   Cycle 3   4   C4  9   0.080

proc sort data=immune out=sasuser.immune;
   by pt;

Ahora el código de plantilla para el gráfico:

proc template;
  define statgraph gsv00251;
    begingraph / designwidth=7in designheight=4.5in;
      entrytitle 'Immunology Profile by Treatment';
      layout gridded;
        layout datalattice rowvar=lbparm /
               headerlabeldisplay=value includemissingclass=false
               columnaxisopts=(label="Cycle Day" griddisplay=on type=discrete
               ("0" "15" "30" "0" "15" "30" "0" "15" "30" "0" "15" "30"))  
               offsetmin = .03 offsetmax = .03)
               rowaxisopts=(offsetmax=.1 label="Values Converted to SI Units "
               griddisplay=on) rowdatarange=union;
        layout prototype;
          blockplot x=xval block=cyc / datatransparency = .75
                                       display=(outline fill ) 
                                       name="block" filltype=alternate;
          seriesplot x=xval y=sival / group=pt index=pt name='a'
                                      display=all lineattrs=(pattern=1 thickness=2) 
                                      markerattrs=(symbol=circlefilled size=8);    
        entry ' ';
        discretelegend 'a' / title='Patient' across=8;

Ahora me gustaría agregar información en la parte superior de cada bloque, así que realicé algunas búsquedas en la web y descubrí que la mejor manera de lograr este resultado es cambiar la plantilla de proceso, agregando 2 filas de celosía:

1) la primera fila de celosía que contiene un diagrama de bloques con estas informaciones como en este diagrama (el que tiene gráficos de caja y estadísticas, el segundo ejemplo).

2) la segunda fila de celosía que contiene la trama publicada anteriormente.

Así que creé este conjunto de datos de muestra sin procesar:

data firstrow;
length ROW $20 TITLE $20 REASON $50 CHAR $20 VAR $20;
infile datalines dlm=',';
proc transpose data=firstrow out=firstrow_;
by row;
var title reason char var;

y se fusionó (no por) con el conjunto de datos anterior:

proc sort data=immune out=immune;
   by pt;

data immune;
merge immune firstrow_;

luego modificó la plantilla de proceso agregandolayout lattice y el diagrama de bloques.

proc template;
  define statgraph gsv00251;
    begingraph / designwidth=7in designheight=4.5in;
      entrytitle 'Immunology Profile by Treatment';

     layout lattice / columns=1 rowweights=(.15 .85);
              blockplot x=row block=col1  / class=_name_
                        datatransparency = .75
                        display=(outline fill values label)
                        name="stats" filltype=alternate 
                        labelattrs=GraphDataText valueattrs=GraphDataText ;
      layout gridded;
        layout datalattice rowvar=lbparm /
               headerlabeldisplay=value includemissingclass=false
               columnaxisopts=(label="Cycle Day" griddisplay=on type=discrete
               ("0" "15" "30" "0" "15" "30" "0" "15" "30" "0" "15" "30"))  
               offsetmin = .03 offsetmax = .03)
               rowaxisopts=(offsetmax=.1 label="Values Converted to SI Units "
               griddisplay=on) rowdatarange=union;
        layout prototype;
          blockplot x=xval block=cyc / datatransparency = .75
                                       display=(outline fill ) 
                                       name="block" filltype=alternate;
          seriesplot x=xval y=sival / group=pt index=pt name='a'
                                      display=all lineattrs=(pattern=1 thickness=2) 
                                      markerattrs=(symbol=circlefilled size=8);    
        entry ' ';
        discretelegend 'a' / title='Patient' across=8;



El resultado es bueno, pero no menos importante, quiero decir, el eje de la columna no está alineado con las dos parcelas, el resultado es la primera parcela publicada.

Básicamente hay 2 problemas: etiquetas de encabezado a la derecha y etiqueta de eje a la izquierda. ¿Cómo puedo cambiar esta trama para obtener el resultado correcto? (eje alineado)

Como publiqué mucho código, aquí solo encontrarás la versión final de todo esto

 data immune;
   format sival f6.3;
   input trt $ 1-8 cyc $ 10-18 pt lbparm $ xval sival;
Drug A   Cycle 1   1   C3  1   1.120
Drug A   Cycle 1   1   C4  1   0.147
Drug A   Cycle 1   1   C3  2   1.080
Drug A   Cycle 1   1   C4  2   0.131
Drug A   Cycle 1   1   C3  3   0.887
Drug A   Cycle 1   1   C4  3   0.113
Drug A   Cycle 2   1   C3  4   1.440
Drug A   Cycle 2   1   C4  4   0.278
Drug A   Cycle 2   1   C3  5   1.180
Drug A   Cycle 2   1   C4  5   0.234
Drug A   Cycle 2   1   C3  6   1.360
Drug A   Cycle 2   1   C4  6   0.281
Drug A   Cycle 3   1   C3  7   1.190
Drug A   Cycle 3   1   C4  7   0.282
Drug A   Cycle 3   1   C3  8   1.000
Drug A   Cycle 3   1   C4  8   0.228
Drug A   Cycle 3   1   C3  9   1.040
Drug A   Cycle 3   1   C4  9   0.228
Drug A   Cycle 4   1   C3 10   0.917
Drug A   Cycle 4   1   C4 10   0.163
Drug A   Cycle 4   1   C3 11   0.789
Drug A   Cycle 4   1   C4 11   0.136
Drug A   Cycle 4   1   C3 12   0.861
Drug A   Cycle 4   1   C4 12   0.148
Drug A   Cycle 1   2   C3  1   1.180
Drug A   Cycle 1   2   C4  1   0.264
Drug A   Cycle 1   2   C3  2   0.942
Drug A   Cycle 1   2   C4  2   0.184
Drug A   Cycle 1   2   C3  3   1.010
Drug A   Cycle 1   2   C4  3   0.160
Drug A   Cycle 2   2   C3  4   1.050
Drug A   Cycle 2   2   C4  4   0.134
Drug A   Cycle 2   2   C3  5   0.980
Drug A   Cycle 2   2   C4  5   0.120
Drug A   Cycle 2   2   C3  6   1.020
Drug A   Cycle 2   2   C4  6   0.126
Drug A   Cycle 3   2   C3  7   0.961
Drug A   Cycle 3   2   C4  7   0.110
Drug A   Cycle 3   2   C3  8   0.859
Drug A   Cycle 3   2   C4  8   0.091
Drug A   Cycle 3   2   C3  9   0.928
Drug A   Cycle 3   2   C4  9   0.097
Drug A   Cycle 4   2   C3 10   1.380
Drug A   Cycle 4   2   C4 10   0.330
Drug A   Cycle 4   2   C3 11   1.210
Drug A   Cycle 4   2   C4 11   0.281
Drug A   Cycle 4   2   C3 12   1.180
Drug A   Cycle 4   2   C4 12   0.278
Drug A   Cycle 1   3   C3  1   1.180
Drug A   Cycle 1   3   C4  1   0.269
Drug A   Cycle 1   3   C3  2   1.010
Drug A   Cycle 1   3   C4  2   0.213
Drug A   Cycle 1   3   C3  3   1.040
Drug A   Cycle 1   3   C4  3   0.200
Drug A   Cycle 2   3   C3  4   1.200
Drug A   Cycle 2   3   C4  4   0.332
Drug A   Cycle 2   3   C4  5   0.371
Drug A   Cycle 2   3   C4  6   0.316
Drug A   Cycle 3   3   C4  7   0.271
Drug A   Cycle 3   3   C3  8   1.050
Drug A   Cycle 3   3   C4  8   0.246
Drug A   Cycle 3   3   C3  9   1.100
Drug A   Cycle 3   3   C4  9   0.248
Drug A   Cycle 4   3   C3 10   1.090
Drug A   Cycle 4   3   C4 10   0.234
Drug A   Cycle 4   3   C3 11   0.937
Drug A   Cycle 4   3   C3 12   0.980
Drug A   Cycle 1   4   C3  1   1.220
Drug A   Cycle 1   4   C4  1   0.182
Drug A   Cycle 1   4   C3  2   0.983
Drug A   Cycle 1   4   C4  2   0.132
Drug A   Cycle 1   4   C3  3   0.979
Drug A   Cycle 1   4   C4  3   0.128
Drug A   Cycle 2   4   C3  4   1.190
Drug A   Cycle 2   4   C4  4   0.134
Drug A   Cycle 2   4   C3  5   1.010
Drug A   Cycle 2   4   C4  5   0.076
Drug A   Cycle 2   4   C3  6   1.100
Drug A   Cycle 2   4   C4  6   0.083
Drug A   Cycle 3   4   C3  7   1.140
Drug A   Cycle 3   4   C4  7   0.108
Drug A   Cycle 3   4   C3  8   1.140
Drug A   Cycle 3   4   C4  8   0.104
Drug A   Cycle 3   4   C3  9   1.120
Drug A   Cycle 3   4   C4  9   0.080

data firstrow;
length ROW $20 TITLE $20 REASON $50 CHAR $20 VAR $20;
infile datalines dlm=',';

proc transpose data=firstrow out=firstrow_;
by row;
var title reason char var;

proc sort data=immune out=immune;
   by pt;

data immune;
merge immune firstrow_;

proc template;
  define statgraph gsv00251;
    begingraph / designwidth=7in designheight=4.5in;
      entrytitle 'Immunology Profile by Treatment';

     layout lattice / columns=1 rowweights=(.15 .85);
                    columnaxis / display=(ticks tickvalues);

              blockplot x=row block=col1  / class=_name_
                        datatransparency = .75
                        display=(outline fill values label)
                        name="stats" filltype=alternate 
                        labelattrs=GraphDataText valueattrs=GraphDataText ;
      layout gridded;
        layout datalattice rowvar=lbparm /
               headerlabeldisplay=value includemissingclass=false
               columnaxisopts=(label="Cycle Day" griddisplay=on type=discrete
               ("0" "15" "30" "0" "15" "30" "0" "15" "30" "0" "15" "30"))  
               offsetmin = .03 offsetmax = .03)
               rowaxisopts=(offsetmax=.1 label="Values Converted to SI Units "
               griddisplay=on) rowdatarange=union;
        layout prototype;
          blockplot x=xval block=cyc / datatransparency = .75
                                       display=(outline fill ) 
                                       name="block" filltype=alternate;
          seriesplot x=xval y=sival / group=pt index=pt name='a'
                                      display=all lineattrs=(pattern=1 thickness=2) 
                                      markerattrs=(symbol=circlefilled size=8);    
        entry ' ';
        discretelegend 'a' / title='Patient' across=8;


ods listing close;
ods html image_dpi=100 file='Immunology.html' path='.';
ods graphics / reset noborder width=600px height=400px 
  imagename='ClinicalHandout_Immunology' imagefmt=gif noscale;

proc sgrender data=immune template=gsv00251; 
ods html close;
ods listing;

Respuestas a la pregunta(1)

Su respuesta a la pregunta