Utilice los resultados de Hashtable sincronizado (clientes Runspacepool 6000+)

La adaptación de un script para realizar múltiples funciones, comenzando con la conexión de prueba para recopilar datos, afectará a más de 6000 máquinas, por lo que estoy usando RunspacePools adaptado del sitio a continuación;


Los datos se muestran a continuación, me gustaría ordenarlos en una matriz (creo que esa es la terminología), para poder ordenar los datos a través de los resultados. Esto se adaptará a varias otras funciones que extraen cualquier cosa, desde números de serie hasta datos IAVM.

¿Hay alguna manera de que pueda usar los datos delimitados por comas y hacer que divida los valores a continuación en columnas? ES DECIR

Name    IPAddress    ResponseTime    Subnet
x        qwe           qweeqwe        qweqwe

Los valores agregados no son tan importantes en este momento, solo la capacidad de agregar los valores y extraerlos.

Name                           Value                                                                                                                        
—-                           —–                                                                                                                        
x-410ZWG                \\x-DHMVV1\root\cimv2:Win32_PingStatus.Address="x-410ZWG",BufferSize=32,NoFragmentation=false,RecordRoute=0,…
x-47045Q                \\x-DHMVV1\root\cimv2:Win32_PingStatus.Address="x-47045Q",BufferSize=32,NoFragmentation=false,RecordRoute=0,…
x-440J26                \\x-DHMVV1\root\cimv2:Win32_PingStatus.Address="x-440J26",BufferSize=32,NoFragmentation=false,RecordRoute=0,…
x-410Y45                \\x-DHMVV1\root\cimv2:Win32_PingStatus.Address="x-410Y45",BufferSize=32,NoFragmentation=false,RecordRoute=0,…
x-DJKVV1                \\x-DHMVV1\root\cimv2:Win32_PingStatus.Address="x-DJKVV1",BufferSize=32,NoFragmentation=false,RecordRoute=0,…
x-DDMVV1                \\x-DHMVV1\root\cimv2:Win32_PingStatus.Address="x-DDMVV1",BufferSize=32,NoFragmentation=false,RecordRoute=0,…
x-470481                \\x-DHMVV1\root\cimv2:Win32_PingStatus.Address="x-470481",BufferSize=32,NoFragmentation=false,RecordRoute=0,…
x-DHKVV1                \\x-DHMVV1\root\cimv2:Win32_PingStatus.Address="x-DHKVV1",BufferSize=32,NoFragmentation=false,RecordRoute=0,…
x-430XXF                \\x-DHMVV1\root\cimv2:Win32_PingStatus.Address="x-430XXF",BufferSize=32,NoFragmentation=false,RecordRoute=0,…
x-DLKVV1                \\x-DHMVV1\root\cimv2:Win32_PingStatus.Address="x-DLKVV1",BufferSize=32,NoFragmentation=false,RecordRoute=0,…
x-410S86                \\x-DHMVV1\root\cimv2:Win32_PingStatus.Address="x-410S86",BufferSize=32,NoFragmentation=false,RecordRoute=0,…
x-SCH004                \\x-DHMVV1\root\cimv2:Win32_PingStatus.Address="x-SCH004",BufferSize=32,NoFragmentation=false,RecordRoute=0,…
x-440J22                \\x-DHMVV1\root\cimv2:Win32_PingStatus.Address="x-440J22",BufferSize=32,NoFragmentation=false,RecordRoute=0,…

Gracias por cualquier ayuda!

Código actualmente

Function Get-RunspaceData {
    Do {
        $more = $false         
        Foreach($runspace in $runspaces) {
            If ($runspace.Runspace.isCompleted) {
                $runspace.Runspace = $null
                $runspace.powershell = $null                 
            } ElseIf ($runspace.Runspace -ne $null) {
                $more = $true
        If ($more -AND $PSBoundParameters['Wait']) {
            Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 100
        #Clean out unused runspace jobs
        $temphash = $runspaces.clone()
        $temphash | Where {
            $_.runspace -eq $Null
        } | ForEach {
            Write-Verbose ("Removing {0}" -f $_.computer)
        Write-Host ("Remaining Runspace Jobs: {0}" -f ((@($runspaces | Where {$_.Runspace -ne $Null}).Count)))             
    } while ($more -AND $PSBoundParameters['Wait'])

#What each runspace will do
$ScriptBlock = {
    Param ($computer,$hash)
    $Ping = test-connection $computer -count 1 -ea 0
    $hash[$Computer]= $Ping

#Setup the runspace
$Script:runspaces = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList   
# Data table for all of the runspaces
$hash = [hashtable]::Synchronized(@{})
$sessionstate = [system.management.automation.runspaces.initialsessionstate]::CreateDefault()
$runspacepool = [runspacefactory]::CreateRunspacePool(1, 100, $sessionstate, $Host)

ForEach ($Computer in $Computername) {
    #Create the powershell instance and supply the scriptblock with the other parameters 
    $powershell = [powershell]::Create().AddScript($scriptBlock).AddArgument($computer).AddArgument($hash)

    #Add the runspace into the powershell instance
    $powershell.RunspacePool = $runspacepool

    #Create a temporary collection for each runspace
    $temp = "" | Select-Object PowerShell,Runspace,Computer
    $Temp.Computer = $Computer
    $temp.PowerShell = $powershell

    #Save the handle output when calling BeginInvoke() that will be used later to end the runspace
    $temp.Runspace = $powershell.BeginInvoke()
    Write-Verbose ("Adding {0} collection" -f $temp.Computer)
    $runspaces.Add($temp) | Out-Null               

# Wait for all runspaces to finish
Get-RunspaceData -Wait 
$stoptimer = Get-Date 
#Display info, and display in GridView
Write-Host "Availability check complete!" -ForegroundColor Cyan
"Execution Time: {0} Minutes" -f [math]::round(($stoptimer – $starttimer).TotalMinutes , 2)
$hash | ogv

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