función print () que imprime el contenido de cada elemento de su lista

Básicamente, estoy tratando de escribir una declaración de impresión que me permita imprimir los elementos por línea como println como salida cuando ejecuto Y por mi vida no puedo entender cómo hacerlo. Cualquier ayuda será apreciada.

aquí está el

public class Driver {

public static void main(String args[]){

    LList<String> s_list = new LList<String>();

    s_list.insert("New York, 8.4M");
    s_list.insert("Los Angeles 3.8M");
    s_list.insert("Chicago, 2.7M");
    s_list.insert("Houston, 2.1M");
    s_list.insert("Philadelphia, 1.55M");
    s_list.insert("Phoenix, 1.51M");
    s_list.append("San Antonio, 1.4M");
    s_list.append("San Diego, 1.35M");
    s_list.append("Dallas, 1.25M");
    s_list.append("San Jose, 0.998M");
    s_list.append("Austin, 0.88M");
    s_list.append("Indianapolis, 0.84M");
    s_list.append("Jacksonville, 0.84M");
    s_list.append("San Francisco, 0.83M");
    s_list.append("Columbus, 0.82M");
    s_list.append("Charlotte, 0.79M");




y tengo un archivo java llamado

donde estoy tratando de escribir un método de impresión donde imprimirá () la función que imprime el contenido de cada elemento de su lista; imprime un elemento por línea.

public void print { 


Entonces, ¿cómo imprimiré los elementos en la línea "s_list" por línea como salida?

Cualquier ayuda es apreciada.

ACTUALIZACIÓN: voy a publicar, y aquí

 /** Linked list implementation */ 

 class LList<E> implements List<E> { 
 private Link<E> head; // Pointer to list header 
 private Link<E> tail; // Pointer to last element 
protected Link<E> curr; // Access to current element 
 private int cnt; // Size of list 
 /** Constructors */ 
 LList(int size) { this(); } // Constructor -- Ignore size 
 LList() { 
 curr = tail = head = new Link<E>(null); // Create header 
  cnt = 0; 
/** Remove all elements */ 
public void clear() { 
head.setNext(null); // Drop access to links 
curr = tail = head = new Link<E>(null); // Create header 
cnt = 0; 
/** Insert "it" at current position */ 
public void insert(E it) { 
curr.setNext(new Link<E>(it,; 
if (tail == curr) tail =; // New tail 
/** Append "it" to list */ 
public void append(E it) { 
tail = tail.setNext(new Link<E>(it, null)); 
/** Remove and return current element */ 
public E remove() { 
if ( == null) return null; // Nothing to remove 
 E it =; // Remember value 
 if (tail == tail = curr; // Removed last 
curr.setNext(; // Remove from list 
cnt--; // Decrement count 
return it; // Return value 
/** Set curr at list start */ 
public void moveToStart() 
{ curr = head; } 

/** Set curr at list end */ 
public void moveToEnd() 
{ curr = tail; } 
/** Move curr one step left; no change if now at front */ 
public void prev() { 
if (curr == head) return; // No previous element 
Link<E> temp = head; 
// March down list until we find the previous element 
while ( != curr) temp =; 
curr = temp; 
/** Move curr one step right; no change if now at end */ 
public void next() 
{ if (curr != tail) curr =; } 
/** @return List length */ 
public int length() { return cnt; } 
/** @return The position of the current element */ 
public int currPos() { 
    Link<E> temp = head; 
    int i; 
    for (i=0; curr != temp; i++) 
        temp =; 
    return i; 
/** Move down list to "pos" position */ 
public void moveToPos(int pos) { 
    assert (pos>=0) && (pos<=cnt) : "Position out of range"; 
    curr = head; 
    for(int i=0; i<pos; i++) curr =; 
/** @return Current element value */ 
public E getValue() { 
    if( == null) return null; 

public void print()



/** List ADT */ 
public interface List<E> { 
    /** Remove all contents from the list, so it is once again 
empty. Client is responsible for reclaiming storage 
used by the list elements. */ 
    public void clear(); 
    /** Insert an element at the current location. The client 
must ensure that the list�s capacity is not exceeded. 
@param item The element to be inserted. */ 
    public void insert(E item); 
    /** Append an element at the end of the list. The client 
must ensure that the list�s capacity is not exceeded. 
@param item The element to be appended. */ 
    public void append(E item); 
    /** Remove and return the current element. 
@return The element that was removed. */ 
    public E remove(); 
    /** Set the current position to the start of the list */ 
    public void moveToStart(); 
    /** Set the current position to the end of the list */ 
    public void moveToEnd(); 
    /** Move the current position one step left. No change 
if already at beginning. */ 
    public void prev(); 
    /** Move the current position one step right. No change 
if already at end. */ 
    public void next(); 
    /** @return The number of elements in the list. */ 
    public int length(); 
    /** @return The position of the current element. */ 
    public int currPos(); 
    /** Set current position. 
@param pos The position to make current. */ 
    public void moveToPos(int pos); 
    /** @return The current element. */ 
    public E getValue(); 

/** Singly linked list node */ 
class Link<E> { 

    private E element; // Value for this node 
    private Link<E> next; // Pointer to next node in list 
    // Constructors 
    Link(E it, Link<E> nextval) 
    { element = it; next = nextval; } 
    Link(Link<E> nextval) { next = nextval; } 
    Link<E> next() { return next; } // Return next field 
    Link<E> setNext(Link<E> nextval) // Set next field 
    { return next = nextval; } // Return element field 
    E element() { return element; } // Set element field 
    E setElement(E it) { return element = it; } 

Respuestas a la pregunta(2)

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