IBM Worklight: no se puede obtener la intensidad de la señal de red en Android

A continuación se muestra mi implementación de Java. La idea es mostrarmyUtilString en un texto de edición para ver la intensidad de la señal en una aplicación híbrida de Android mientras está en una WL.NativePage, pero no obtengo nada.

He probado la aplicación en un dispositivo real, cambiando a 2G, 3G y LTE pero no recibo nada. He implementado una función llamadaonSignalStrengthsChanged, pero no puedo entender qué está mal.

En LogCat no hay nada de interés; tal vezonSignalStrengthsChanged nunca es despedido

package com.AndroidShowNativePage;


import android.content.Intent;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.view.View;
import android.view.View.OnClickListener;
import android.widget.Button;
import android.widget.EditText;
import android.widget.LinearLayout;
import android.widget.TextView;

import android.content.Context; 
import android.telephony.gsm.GsmCellLocation; 
import android.telephony.PhoneStateListener; 
import android.telephony.SignalStrength; 
import android.telephony.TelephonyManager; 
import android.telephony.CellLocation; 
import android.webkit.WebView; 

public class HelloNative extends Activity {

    EditText editText = null;
    EditText editText1 = null;
    String myUtilString = "";

    private TelephonyManager tm ;
    private DroidPhoneStateListener listener;
    private GsmCellLocation location;

    public void GSM(Activity activity, WebView view) {
        tm = (TelephonyManager) activity
        listener = new DroidPhoneStateListener(view);
        location = new GsmCellLocation();

    public void listen() { 
    tm.listen(listener, PhoneStateListener.LISTEN_SIGNAL_STRENGTHS);
    //tm.listen(listener, PhoneStateListener.LISTEN_SIGNAL_STRENGTH); 
    //tm.listen(listener, PhoneStateListener.LISTEN_CELL_LOCATION); 
    //tm.listen(listener, PhoneStateListener.LISTEN_DATA_ACTIVITY); 

    public void unlisten() { 
    tm.listen(listener, PhoneStateListener.LISTEN_NONE);

    public int getCid() { 
    return location.getCid();

    public int getLac() { 
    return location.getLac();

    * ???? public int getPsc() { return location.getPsc(); } 
    private class DroidPhoneStateListener extends PhoneStateListener {

        private WebView view;

        DroidPhoneStateListener(WebView view) {
        this.view = view;

        public void onCellLocationChanged(CellLocation location) {
            myUtilString = ( "onCellLocationChanged: " + location.toString());
        // view.loadUrl("javascript:droid.Accelerometer.onUpdate(); 

        public void onDataConnectionStateChanged(int state, int networkType) {
            myUtilString =( "onDataConnectionStateChanged: " + state + ":" + networkType);

        public void onSignalStrengthsChanged(SignalStrength s) {
        String r = s.getGsmSignalStrength() + ":" + s.getCdmaDbm() + ":"
        + s.getCdmaEcio() + ":" + s.getEvdoDbm() + ":"
        + s.getEvdoEcio() + ":" + s.getEvdoSnr() + ":"
        + s.getGsmBitErrorRate();
            myUtilString = ("hello Change('" + r.toString()+ "');");

        public void onSignalStrengthChanged(int asu) {
            myUtilString = ( "onSignalStrengthChanged: " + asu);


    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

        String name = getIntent().getStringExtra("nameParam");

        LinearLayout linearLayout = new LinearLayout(this);

        TextView textView1 = new TextView(this);
        textView1.setText("Name received from JavaScript :: " + name);

        TextView textView2 = new TextView(this);
        textView2.setText("Enter the phone number");

        editText = new EditText(this);

        editText1 = new EditText(this);
        editText1.setText("any measure on dBd");

        Button submitButton = new Button(this);
        submitButton.setText("Return to the Web App");
        submitButton.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() {

            public void onClick(View v) {

                String phoneNumber = editText.getText().toString();
                Intent phoneNumberInfo = new Intent();
                phoneNumberInfo.putExtra("phoneNumber", phoneNumber);
                setResult(RESULT_OK, phoneNumberInfo);

        Button submitMeasure = new Button(this);
        submitMeasure.setText("Go measure");
        submitMeasure.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() {

            public void onClick(View v) {

                editText1.setText( myUtilString );





Aquí está LogCat:

05-08 12:06:30.140: D/SoftKeyboardDetect(1078): Ignore this event
05-08 12:06:31.190: D/WLDroidGap(1078): Started copying files to local storage...
05-08 12:06:48.800: D/dalvikvm(1078): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 494K, 15% free 3318K/3896K, paused 35ms, total 35ms
05-08 12:06:59.950: D/dalvikvm(1078): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 370K, 16% free 3319K/3908K, paused 34ms, total 34ms
05-08 12:07:10.540: D/WLDroidGap(1078): Finished copying files to local storage...
05-08 12:07:10.550: D/WLDroidGap(1078): no need to check web resource integrity
05-08 12:07:10.690: D/CordovaWebView(1078): >>> loadUrl(file:///data/data/com.AndroidShowNativePage/files/www/skinLoader.html)
05-08 12:07:10.690: D/PluginManager(1078): init()
05-08 12:07:10.730: D/CordovaWebView(1078): >>> loadUrlNow()
05-08 12:07:12.560: D/CordovaActivity(1078): onMessage(onPageStarted,file:///data/data/com.AndroidShowNativePage/files/www/skinLoader.html)
05-08 12:07:14.610: D/CordovaWebViewClient(1078): onPageFinished(file:///data/data/com.AndroidShowNativePage/files/www/skinLoader.html)
05-08 12:07:14.610: D/CordovaActivity(1078): onMessage(onPageFinished,file:///data/data/com.AndroidShowNativePage/files/www/skinLoader.html)
05-08 12:07:16.650: D/CordovaActivity(1078): onMessage(spinner,stop)
05-08 12:07:17.250: D/CordovaActivity(1078): onMessage(spinner,stop)
05-08 12:07:17.260: W/PluginManager(1078): THREAD WARNING: exec() call to blocked the main thread for 21ms. Plugin should use CordovaInterface.getThreadPool().
05-08 12:07:17.400: D/CordovaNetworkManager(1078): Connection Type: 3g
05-08 12:07:17.400: D/CordovaActivity(1078): onMessage(networkconnection,3g)
05-08 12:07:17.420: D/CordovaNetworkManager(1078): Connection Type: 3g
05-08 12:07:17.660: D/dalvikvm(1078): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 458K, 14% free 3365K/3908K, paused 36ms, total 39ms
05-08 12:07:17.710: W/PluginManager(1078): THREAD WARNING: exec() call to Utils.writePref blocked the main thread for 95ms. Plugin should use CordovaInterface.getThreadPool().
05-08 12:07:17.780: W/PluginManager(1078): THREAD WARNING: exec() call to Utils.writePref blocked the main thread for 35ms. Plugin should use CordovaInterface.getThreadPool().
05-08 12:07:17.790: D/CordovaWebView(1078): >>> loadUrl(file:///data/data/com.AndroidShowNativePage/files/www/default/AndroidShowNativePage.html)
05-08 12:07:17.810: D/PluginManager(1078): init()
05-08 12:07:17.810: W/PluginManager(1078): THREAD WARNING: exec() call to Utils.loadSkin blocked the main thread for 29ms. Plugin should use CordovaInterface.getThreadPool().
05-08 12:07:17.820: D/CordovaWebView(1078): >>> loadUrlNow()
05-08 12:07:18.020: D/CordovaActivity(1078): onMessage(onPageStarted,file:///data/data/com.AndroidShowNativePage/files/www/default/AndroidShowNativePage.html)
05-08 12:07:23.320: D/CordovaActivity(1078): onMessage(spinner,stop)
05-08 12:07:23.370: D/CordovaNetworkManager(1078): Connection Type: 3g
05-08 12:07:23.400: D/CordovaNetworkManager(1078): Connection Type: 3g
05-08 12:07:23.400: D/CordovaActivity(1078): onMessage(networkconnection,3g)
05-08 12:07:24.010: D/CordovaWebViewClient(1078): onPageFinished(file:///data/data/com.AndroidShowNativePage/files/www/default/AndroidShowNativePage.html)
05-08 12:07:24.010: D/CordovaActivity(1078): onMessage(onPageFinished,file:///data/data/com.AndroidShowNativePage/files/www/default/AndroidShowNativePage.html)
05-08 12:07:24.240: I/Choreographer(1078): Skipped 32 frames!  The application may be doing too much work on its main thread.
05-08 12:07:24.440: D/AndroidShowNativePage(1078): wlclient init started
05-08 12:07:24.530: D/AndroidShowNativePage(1078): Read cookies: null
05-08 12:07:24.560: D/AndroidShowNativePage(1078): CookieMgr read cookies: {}
05-08 12:07:24.870: W/AndroidShowNativePage(1078): Your application is using the WL.OptionsMenu API. Note that, if your application targets Android 3.0 (API level 11) or higher, WL.OptionsMenu might have no effect, depending on the device.
05-08 12:07:24.970: W/PluginManager(1078): THREAD WARNING: exec() call to DeviceAuth.getDeviceUUID blocked the main thread for 24ms. Plugin should use CordovaInterface.getThreadPool().
05-08 12:07:25.000: D/AndroidShowNativePage(1078): addDeviceIDHeader deviceIDSuccessCallback
05-08 12:07:25.050: W/PluginManager(1078): THREAD WARNING: exec() call to Utils.writePref blocked the main thread for 21ms. Plugin should use CordovaInterface.getThreadPool().
05-08 12:07:25.080: D/AndroidShowNativePage(1078): connectOnStartup finalizeInit
05-08 12:07:25.190: D/AndroidShowNativePage(1078): before: app init onSuccess
05-08 12:07:25.310: D/AndroidShowNativePage(1078): after: app init onSuccess
05-08 12:07:25.350: D/AndroidShowNativePage(1078): added onPause event handler 
05-08 12:07:25.370: D/AndroidShowNativePage(1078): wlclient init success
05-08 12:26:11.550: D/CordovaActivity(1078): Paused the application!
05-08 12:26:11.550: D/CordovaWebView(1078): Handle the pause
05-08 12:26:11.650: W/PluginManager(1078): THREAD WARNING: exec() call to blocked the main thread for 151ms. Plugin should use CordovaInterface.getThreadPool().
05-08 12:26:12.620: I/Choreographer(1078): Skipped 60 frames!  The application may be doing too much work on its main thread.
05-08 12:26:13.040: D/AndroidShowNativePage(1078): Flush called
05-08 12:26:17.070: I/Choreographer(1078): Skipped 75 frames!  The application may be doing too much work on its main thread.

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