No se puede hacer que la API web funcione en VS 2010 o 2012

Tengo una máquina con el RC de VS 2012 y VS2010 funcionando. Estoy tratando de seguir el código de para probar la API web. Intenté seguir en la web algunos enlaces diferentes sobre cómo solucionar problemas, pero aún así no consigo que la API web funcione con IIS Express / Cassini para el host en mi caja de Windows 7 x64. Actualmente obtengo "Método no encontrado: 'Void Newtonsoft.Json.Serialization.DefaultContractResolver.set_IgnoreSerializableAttribute (Boolean)'". error al intentar ver cuál debería ser la lista de productos.

Seguí la página web exactamente como está escrita y no agregué nada manualmente. Configuré el repositorio nocturno para la pila web, pero no sé si eso está causando el problema. Aquí hay un volcado del paquete Get de NuGet en el programa si ayuda.

PM> Get-Package

Id                             Version              Description/Release Notes                                                                                                                                                                                      
--                             -------              -------------------------                                                                                                                                                                                      
EntityFramework                5.0.0-rc             Entity Framework is Microsoft's recommended data access technology for new applications.                                                                                                                       
jQuery                         1.6.2                jQuery is a new kind of JavaScript Library....                                                                                                                                                                 
jQuery.UI.Combined             1.8.11               jQuery UI is an open source library of interface components — interactions, full-featured widgets, and animation effects — based on the stellar jQuery javascript library . Each component is built accordin...
jQuery.Validation              1.8.1                This jQuery plugin makes simple clientside form validation trivial, while offering lots of option for customization. That makes a good choice if you’re building something new from scratch, but also when y...
knockoutjs                     2.0.0                A JavaScript MVVM library to help you create rich, dynamic user interfaces with clean maintainable code                                                                                                        
Microsoft.AspNet.Mvc           4.0.20505.0          This package contains the runtime assemblies for ASP.NET MVC. ASP.NET MVC gives you a powerful, patterns-based way to build dynamic websites that enables a clean separation of concerns and that gives you ...
Microsoft.AspNet.Providers.... 1.0                  ASP.NET Universal Providers add provider support in ASP.NET 4 for all editions of SQL Server 2005 and later and to SQL Azure. If you use these providers to develop your application, the application will b...
Microsoft.AspNet.Providers.... 1.0                  ASP.NET Universal Providers add provider support in ASP.NET 4 for all editions of SQL Server 2005 and later and to SQL Azure. If you use these providers to develop your application, the application will b...
Microsoft.AspNet.Razor         2.0.20505.0          This package contains the runtime assemblies for ASP.NET Web Pages. ASP.NET Web Pages and the new Razor syntax provide a fast, terse, clean and lightweight way to combine server code with HTML to create d...
Microsoft.AspNet.Web.Optimi... 1.0.0-beta2          ASP.NET Optimization introduces a way to bundle and optimize css/js files.                                                                                                                                     
Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi        4.0.20505.0          This package contains everything you need to host ASP.NET Web API on IIS. ASP.NET Web API is a framework that makes it easy to build HTTP services that reach a broad range of clients, including browsers a...
Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.Client 4.0.20505.0          This package adds support for formatting and content negotiation to System.Net.Http. It includes support for JSON, XML, and form URL encoded data.                                                             
Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.Core   4.0.20505.0          This package contains the core runtime assemblies for ASP.NET Web API. This package is used by hosts of the ASP.NET Web API runtime. To host a Web API in IIS use the Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.WebHost packag...
Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.Web... 4.0.20505.0          This package contains everything you need to host ASP.NET Web API on IIS. ASP.NET Web API is a framework that makes it easy to build HTTP services that reach a broad range of clients, including browsers a...
Microsoft.AspNet.WebPages      2.0.20505.0          This package contains core runtime assemblies shared between ASP.NET MVC and ASP.NET Web Pages.                                                                                                                
Microsoft.jQuery.Unobtrusiv... 2.0.20505.0          jQuery plugin that lets you unobtrusively set up jQuery Ajax.                                                                                                                                                  
Microsoft.jQuery.Unobtrusiv... 2.0.20505.0          jQuery plugin that unobtrusively sets up jQuery.Validation.                                                                                                                                                    
Microsoft.Net.Http             2.0.20505.0          This package provides a programming interface for modern HTTP applications. This package includes HttpClient for sending requests over HTTP, as well as HttpRequestMessage and HttpResponseMessage for proce...
Microsoft.Web.Infrastructure              This package contains the Microsoft.Web.Infrastructure assembly that lets you dynamically register HTTP modules at run time.                                                                                   
Modernizr                      2.0.6                Modernizr adds classes to the <html> element which allow you to target specific browser functionality in your stylesheet. You don't actually need to write any Javascript to use it....                        
Newtonsoft.Json                4.5.1                Json.NET is a popular high-performance JSON framework for .NET                                                                                                                                                 
WebGrease                      1.0.0                Web Grease is a suite of tools for optimizing javascript, css files and images.                                                                                                                                

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