¿Cómo puedo realizar el relleno por inundación con HTML Canvas?

¿Alguien ha implementado un algoritmo de relleno de inundación en javascript para usar con HTML Canvas?

Mis requisitos son simples: inundar con un solo color a partir de un solo punto, donde el color del límite es cualquier color mayor que un cierto delta del color en el punto especificado.

var r1, r2; // red values
var g1, g2; // green values
var b1, b2; // blue values
var actualColorDelta = Math.sqrt((r1 - r2)*(r1 - r2) + (g1 - g2)*(g1 - g2) + (b1 - b2)*(b1 - b2))

function floodFill(canvas, x, y, fillColor, borderColorDelta) {


Escribí mi propia implementación de relleno de inundación, que sigue. Es lento, pero preciso. Alrededor del 37% del tiempo se dedica a dos funciones de matriz de bajo nivel que forman parte del marco prototipo. Son llamados por push y pop, supongo. La mayor parte del resto del tiempo se pasa en el bucle principal.

var ImageProcessing;

ImageProcessing = {

  /* Convert HTML color (e.g. "#rrggbb" or "#rrggbbaa") to object with properties r, g, b, a. 
   * If no alpha value is given, 255 (0xff) will be assumed.
  toRGB: function (color) {
    var r, g, b, a, html;
    html = color;

    // Parse out the RGBA values from the HTML Code
    if (html.substring(0, 1) === "#")
      html = html.substring(1);

    if (html.length === 3 || html.length === 4)
      r = html.substring(0, 1);
      r = r + r;

      g = html.substring(1, 2);
      g = g + g;

      b = html.substring(2, 3);
      b = b + b;

      if (html.length === 4) {
        a = html.substring(3, 4);
        a = a + a;
      else {
        a = "ff";
    else if (html.length === 6 || html.length === 8)
      r = html.substring(0, 2);
      g = html.substring(2, 4);
      b = html.substring(4, 6);
      a = html.length === 6 ? "ff" : html.substring(6, 8);

    // Convert from Hex (Hexidecimal) to Decimal
    r = parseInt(r, 16);
    g = parseInt(g, 16);
    b = parseInt(b, 16);
    a = parseInt(a, 16);
    return {r: r, g: g, b: b, a: a};

  /* Get the color at the given x,y location from the pixels array, assuming the array has a width and height as given.
   * This interprets the 1-D array as a 2-D array.
   * If useColor is defined, its values will be set. This saves on object creation.
  getColor: function (pixels, x, y, width, height, useColor) {
    var redIndex = y * width * 4 + x * 4;
    if (useColor === undefined) {
      useColor = { r: pixels[redIndex], g: pixels[redIndex + 1], b: pixels[redIndex + 2], a: pixels[redIndex + 3] };
    else {
      useColor.r = pixels[redIndex];
      useColor.g = pixels[redIndex + 1]
      useColor.b = pixels[redIndex + 2];
      useColor.a = pixels[redIndex + 3];
    return useColor;

  setColor: function (pixels, x, y, width, height, color) {
    var redIndex = y * width * 4 + x * 4;
    pixels[redIndex] = color.r; 
    pixels[redIndex + 1] = color.g, 
    pixels[redIndex + 2] = color.b;
    pixels[redIndex + 3] = color.a;

 * fill: Flood a canvas with the given fill color.
 * Returns a rectangle { x, y, width, height } that defines the maximum extent of the pixels that were changed.
 *    canvas .................... Canvas to modify.
 *    fillColor ................. RGBA Color to fill with.
 *                                This may be a string ("#rrggbbaa") or an object of the form { r: red, g: green, b: blue, a: alpha }.
 *    x, y ...................... Coordinates of seed point to start flooding.
 *    bounds .................... Restrict flooding to this rectangular region of canvas. 
 *                                This object has these attributes: { x, y, width, height }.
 *                                If undefined or null, use the whole of the canvas.
 *    stopFunction .............. Function that decides if a pixel is a boundary that should cause
 *                                flooding to stop. If omitted, any pixel that differs from seedColor
 *                                will cause flooding to stop. seedColor is the color under the seed point (x,y).
 *                                Parameters: stopFunction(fillColor, seedColor, pixelColor).
 *                                Returns true if flooding shoud stop.
 *                                The colors are objects of the form { r: red, g: green, b: blue, a: alpha }
 fill: function (canvas, fillColor, x, y, bounds, stopFunction) {
    // Supply default values if necessary.
    var ctx, minChangedX, minChangedY, maxChangedX, maxChangedY, wasTested, shouldTest, imageData, pixels, currentX, currentY, currentColor, currentIndex, seedColor, tryX, tryY, tryIndex, boundsWidth, boundsHeight, pixelStart, fillRed, fillGreen, fillBlue, fillAlpha;
    if (Object.isString(fillColor)) {
      fillColor = ImageProcessing.toRGB(fillColor);
    x = Math.round(x);
    y = Math.round(y);
    if (bounds === null || bounds === undefined) {
      bounds = { x: 0, y: 0, width: canvas.width, height: canvas.height };
    else {
      bounds = { x: Math.round(bounds.x), y: Math.round(bounds.y), width: Math.round(bounds.y), height: Math.round(bounds.height) };
    if (stopFunction === null || stopFunction === undefined) {
      stopFunction = new function (fillColor, seedColor, pixelColor) {
        return pixelColor.r != seedColor.r || pixelColor.g != seedColor.g || pixelColor.b != seedColor.b || pixelColor.a != seedColor.a;
    minChangedX = maxChangedX = x - bounds.x;
    minChangedY = maxChangedY = y - bounds.y;
    boundsWidth = bounds.width;
    boundsHeight = bounds.height;

    // Initialize wasTested to false. As we check each pixel to decide if it should be painted with the new color,
    // we will mark it with a true value at wasTested[row = y][column = x];
    wasTested = new Array(boundsHeight * boundsWidth);
    $R(0, bounds.height - 1).each(function (row) { 
      var subArray = new Array(bounds.width);
      wasTested[row] = subArray;

    // Start with a single point that we know we should test: (x, y). 
    // Convert (x,y) to image data coordinates by subtracting the bounds' origin.
    currentX = x - bounds.x;
    currentY = y - bounds.y;
    currentIndex = currentY * boundsWidth + currentX;
    shouldTest = [ currentIndex ];

    ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
    //imageData = ctx.getImageData(bounds.x, bounds.y, bounds.width, bounds.height);
    imageData = ImageProcessing.getImageData(ctx, bounds.x, bounds.y, bounds.width, bounds.height);
    pixels = imageData.data;
    seedColor = ImageProcessing.getColor(pixels, currentX, currentY, boundsWidth, boundsHeight);
    currentColor = { r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 1 };
    fillRed = fillColor.r;
    fillGreen = fillColor.g;
    fillBlue = fillColor.b;
    fillAlpha = fillColor.a;
    while (shouldTest.length > 0) {
      currentIndex = shouldTest.pop();
      currentX = currentIndex % boundsWidth;
      currentY = (currentIndex - currentX) / boundsWidth;
      if (! wasTested[currentIndex]) {
        wasTested[currentIndex] = true;
        //currentColor = ImageProcessing.getColor(pixels, currentX, currentY, boundsWidth, boundsHeight, currentColor);
        // Inline getColor for performance.
        pixelStart = currentIndex * 4;
        currentColor.r = pixels[pixelStart];
        currentColor.g = pixels[pixelStart + 1]
        currentColor.b = pixels[pixelStart + 2];
        currentColor.a = pixels[pixelStart + 3];

        if (! stopFunction(fillColor, seedColor, currentColor)) {
          // Color the pixel with the fill color. 
          //ImageProcessing.setColor(pixels, currentX, currentY, boundsWidth, boundsHeight, fillColor);
          // Inline setColor for performance
          pixels[pixelStart] = fillRed;
          pixels[pixelStart + 1] = fillGreen;
          pixels[pixelStart + 2] = fillBlue;
          pixels[pixelStart + 3] = fillAlpha;

          if (minChangedX < currentX) { minChangedX = currentX; }
          else if (maxChangedX > currentX) { maxChangedX = currentX; }
          if (minChangedY < currentY) { minChangedY = currentY; }
          else if (maxChangedY > currentY) { maxChangedY = currentY; }

          // Add the adjacent four pixels to the list to be tested, unless they have already been tested.
          tryX = currentX - 1;
          tryY = currentY;
          tryIndex = tryY * boundsWidth + tryX;
          if (tryX >= 0 && ! wasTested[tryIndex]) {
          tryX = currentX;
          tryY = currentY + 1;
          tryIndex = tryY * boundsWidth + tryX;
          if (tryY < boundsHeight && ! wasTested[tryIndex]) {
          tryX = currentX + 1;
          tryY = currentY;
          tryIndex = tryY * boundsWidth + tryX;
          if (tryX < boundsWidth && ! wasTested[tryIndex]) {
          tryX = currentX;
          tryY = currentY - 1;
          tryIndex = tryY * boundsWidth + tryX;
          if (tryY >= 0 && ! wasTested[tryIndex]) {
    //ctx.putImageData(imageData, bounds.x, bounds.y);
    ImageProcessing.putImageData(ctx, imageData, bounds.x, bounds.y);

    return { x: minChangedX + bounds.x, y: minChangedY + bounds.y, width: maxChangedX - minChangedX + 1, height: maxChangedY - minChangedY + 1 };

  getImageData: function (ctx, x, y, w, h) { 
    return ctx.getImageData(x, y, w, h); 

  putImageData: function (ctx, data, x, y) { 
    ctx.putImageData(data, x, y); 


Por cierto, cuando llamo a esto, uso un StopFunction personalizado:

  stopFill : function (fillColor, seedColor, pixelColor) {
    // Ignore alpha difference for now.
    return Math.abs(pixelColor.r - seedColor.r) > this.colorTolerance || Math.abs(pixelColor.g - seedColor.g) > this.colorTolerance || Math.abs(pixelColor.b - seedColor.b) > this.colorTolerance;

Si alguien puede ver una manera de mejorar el rendimiento de este código, lo apreciaría. La idea básica es: 1) El color de la semilla es el color inicial en el punto para comenzar la inundación. 2) Pruebe cuatro puntos adyacentes: arriba, derecha, abajo e izquierda un píxel. 3) Si el punto está fuera de rango o ya se ha visitado, omítalo. 4) De lo contrario, presione el punto sobre la pila de puntos interesantes. 5) Pop el siguiente punto interesante de la pila. 6) Si el color en ese punto es un color de parada (como se define en la función de parada), deje de procesar ese punto y continúe con el paso 5. 7) De lo contrario, vaya al paso 2. 8) Cuando no haya más puntos interesantes para visitar , deja de bucle.

Recordar que un punto ha sido visitado requiere una matriz con la misma cantidad de elementos que hay píxeles.

Respuestas a la pregunta(2)

Su respuesta a la pregunta