C # dividiendo una matriz

Necesito dividir una matriz de tamaño indeterminado, en el punto medio, en dos matrices separadas.

La matriz se genera a partir de una lista de cadenas utilizando ToArray ().

        public void AddToList ()
            bool loop = true;
            string a = "";

            Console.WriteLine("Enter a string value and press enter to add it to the list");
            while (loop == true)
                a = Console.ReadLine();

                if (a != "")
                    loop = false;


        public void ReturnList()
            string x = "";
            foreach (string number in mylist)
                x = x + number + " ";


    class SplitList
        public string[] sTop;
        public string[] sBottom;

        public void Split(ref UList list)  
            string[] s = list.mylist.ToArray();

            //split the array into top and bottom halfs


    static void Main(string[] args)
        UList list = new UList();
        SplitList split = new SplitList();


        split.Split(ref list);


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