Cuente el número de casillas adyacentes

Supongamos que tengo un conjunto de coordenadas (X, Y) de 1000 cajas.

         (    x1,    y1)    (    x2,    y2)      Area

         (0.0000,0.0000)    (0.3412,0.4175)    0.1424
         (0.7445,0.0000)    (1.0000,0.6553)    0.1674
         (0.7445,0.6553)    (1.0000,1.0000)    0.0881
         (0.0000,0.6553)    (0.7445,1.0000)    0.2566
         (0.3412,0.0000)    (0.7445,0.4175)    0.1684
         (0.3412,0.4175)    (0.7445,0.6553)    0.0959
         (0.0000,0.4175)    (0.3412,0.6553)    0.0812 ....etc

Me gustaría calcular el número de cuadros adyacentes para cada uno de ellos utilizando c / c ++. ¿Cómo puedo hacerlo?


En esta imagen, el número total de cuadros adyacentes para el cuadro 7 es seis, mientras que el cuadro 3 es tres. ¿Cómo puedo contarlos usando c ++?

Editado y actualizado con nuevos valores.

Probémoslo por 16 valores.

1   0.0000   0.0000      0.8147   0.1355  
2   0.8147   0.0000      1.0000   0.1355  
3   0.8147   0.1355      0.9058   0.8350  
4   0.0000   0.1355      0.1270   0.9689  
5   0.9058   0.1355      0.9134   0.2210  
6   0.9058   0.8350      1.0000   1.0000  
7   0.8147   0.8350      0.9058   1.0000  
8   0.1270   0.1355      0.6324   0.3082  
9   0.1270   0.9689      0.8147   1.0000  
10   0.0000   0.9689     0.1270   1.0000 
11   0.9134   0.1355     1.0000   0.2210 
12   0.9134   0.2210     1.0000   0.8350 
13   0.9058   0.2210     0.9134   0.8350 
14   0.6324   0.1355     0.8147   0.3082 
15   0.6324   0.3082     0.8147   0.9689 
16   0.1270   0.3082     0.6324   0.9689 

Para estos valores, la unidad cuadrada se convierte así en esta imagen.

Y el código actualizado

  #include <iostream>
    #include <cstdlib>
    #include <vector>

    using namespace std;

    class Rect {
      double x1, x2, y1, y2; // assuming x1 <= x2 and y1 <= y2

      Rect(double X1, double Y1, double X2, double Y2) {
        if (X1 < X2) {
          x1 = X1; x2 = X2;
        } else {
          x2 = X1; x1 = X2;
        if (Y1 < Y2) {
          y1 = Y1; y2 = Y2;
        } else {
          y2 = Y1; y1 = Y2;

      bool isAdjacent(Rect rect) {

    //for x-axis
           if (x1 == rect.x2 || x2 == rect.x1) {     
    // use only < when comparing y1 and rect.y2 avoids sharing only a corner
                  if (y1 >= rect.y1 && y1 < rect.y2) {
                    return true;
                  if (y2 > rect.y1 && y2 <= rect.y2) {
                    return true;
    // for y-axis    

                if (y1 == rect.y2 || y2 == rect.y1) {
                if (x1 >= rect.x1 && x1 < rect.x2) {
                    return true;
                  if (x2 > rect.x1 && x2 <= rect.x2) {
                    return true;

                return false;  


int main() {

      vector<Rect> rects;     

      rects.push_back(Rect(0.0000,0.0000, 0.8147,0.1355));
      rects.push_back(Rect(0.8147,0.0000, 1.0000,0.1355));

      rects.push_back(Rect(0.8147,0.1355, 0.9058,0.8350));
      rects.push_back(Rect(0.0000,0.1355, 0.1270,0.9689 ));

      rects.push_back(Rect(0.9058,0.1355, 0.9134,0.2210));
      rects.push_back(Rect(0.9058,0.8350, 1.0000,1.0000));
      rects.push_back(Rect(0.8147,0.8350, 0.9058,1.0000));

      rects.push_back(Rect(0.1270,0.1355, 0.6324,0.3082));
      rects.push_back(Rect(0.1270,0.9689, 0.8147,1.0000));
      rects.push_back(Rect(0.0000,0.9689, 0.1270,1.0000));

      rects.push_back(Rect(0.9134,0.1355, 1.0000,0.2210));
      rects.push_back(Rect(0.9134,0.2210, 1.0000,0.8350));
      rects.push_back(Rect(0.9058,0.2210, 0.9134,0.8350));

      rects.push_back(Rect(0.6324,0.1355, 0.8147,0.3082));
      rects.push_back(Rect(0.6324,0.3082, 0.8147,0.9689));
      rects.push_back(Rect(0.1270,0.3082, 0.6324,0.9689));

int adj_count = 0;
      int b;

        for (int x = 0; x < rects.size(); ++x) {

        if (rects[b].isAdjacent(rects[x])) {

    if (x==b) {
      continue; //this is our rectangle , so do not count it.

        cout << "rect["<<(b+1)<<"] is adjacent with rect["<<(x+1)<<"]"<<endl;

        cout<<"adjacent count of rect["<<(b+1)<<"] is = "<<adj_count<<endl;

      return 0;


Ahora para el rectángulo # 1 se muestra-

rect[1] is adjacent with rect[2]
rect[1] is adjacent with rect[4]
rect[1] is adjacent with rect[14]
adjacent count of rect[1] is = 3

Se pierde el rectángulo # 8 y 9 y 10 !! (Por favor revisa la nueva imagen)

Y para el rectángulo # 2 se muestra-

rect[2] is adjacent with rect[1]
rect[2] is adjacent with rect[3]
rect[2] is adjacent with rect[11]
adjacent count of rect[2] is = 3

Se pierde el rectángulo # 5 y 7 y 6! (Por favor revisa la nueva imagen)

¿Cómo puedo arreglarlo?

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