Demasiados archivos abiertos de advertencia de elasticsearch

Recibiendo continuamente los siguientes mensajes de advertencia. No estoy seguro de qué se debe hacer. Vio algunas de las publicaciones relevantes que solicitan aumentar el número de descriptores de archivos.

¿Cómo hacer lo mismo?

Incluso si aumente ahora, ¿Me encontraré con el mismo problema al agregar nuevos índices? (Actualmente se trabaja con alrededor de 400 índices, 6 fragmentos y 1 réplica). El número de índices tiende a crecer más.

[03:58:24,165][WARN ][cluster.action.shard     ] [node1] received shard failed for [index9][2], node[node_hash3], [P], s[INITIALIZING], reason [Failed to start shard, message [IndexShardGatewayRecoveryException[[index9][2] failed recovery]; nested: EngineCreationFailureException[[index9][2] failed to open reader on writer]; nested: FileNotFoundException[/data/elasticsearch/whatever/nodes/0/indices/index9/2/index/segments_1 (Too many open files)]; ]] 
[03:58:24,166][WARN ][cluster.action.shard     ] [node1] received shard failed for [index15][0], node[node_hash2], [P], s[INITIALIZING], reason [Failed to create shard, message [IndexShardCreationException[[index15][0] failed to create shard]; nested: IOException[directory '/data/elasticsearch/whatever/nodes/0/indices/index15/0/index' exists and is a directory, but cannot be listed: list() returned null]; ]] 
[03:58:24,195][WARN ][cluster.action.shard     ] [node1] received shard failed for [index16][3], node[node_hash3], [P], s[INITIALIZING], reason [Failed to start shard, message [IndexShardGatewayRecoveryException[[index16][3] failed recovery]; nested: EngineCreationFailureException[[index16][3] failed to open reader on writer]; nested: FileNotFoundException[/data/elasticsearch/whatever/nodes/0/indices/index16/3/index/segments_1 (Too many open files)]; ]] 
[03:58:24,196][WARN ][cluster.action.shard     ] [node1] received shard failed for [index17][0], node[node_hash3], [P], s[INITIALIZING], reason [Failed to start shard, message [IndexShardGatewayRecoveryException[[index17][0] failed recovery]; nested: EngineCreationFailureException[[index17][0] failed to open reader on writer]; nested: FileNotFoundException[/data/elasticsearch/whatever/nodes/0/indices/index17/0/index/segments_1 (Too many open files)]; ]] 
[03:58:24,198][WARN ][cluster.action.shard     ] [node1] received shard failed for [index21][4], node[node_hash3], [P], s[INITIALIZING], reason [Failed to start shard, message [IndexShardGatewayRecoveryException[[index21][4] failed recovery]; nested: EngineCreationFailureException[[index21][4] failed to create engine]; nested: LockReleaseFailedException[Cannot forcefully unlock a NativeFSLock which is held by another indexer component: /data/elasticsearch/whatever/nodes/0/indices/index21/4/index/write.lock]; ]] 

Salida de nodos api

curl -XGET 'http://localhost:9200/_nodes?os=true&process=true&pretty=true'

  "ok" : true, 
  "cluster_name" : "whatever", 
  "nodes" : { 
    "node_hash1" : { 
      "name" : "node1", 
      "transport_address" : "transportip1", 
      "hostname" : "myhostip1", 
      "version" : "0.20.4", 
      "http_address" : "httpip1", 
      "attributes" : { 
        "data" : "false", 
        "master" : "true" 
      "os" : { 
        "refresh_interval" : 1000, 
        "available_processors" : 8, 
        "cpu" : { 
          "vendor" : "Intel", 
          "model" : "Xeon", 
          "mhz" : 2133, 
          "total_cores" : 8, 
          "total_sockets" : 8, 
          "cores_per_socket" : 16, 
          "cache_size" : "4kb", 
          "cache_size_in_bytes" : 4096 
        "mem" : { 
          "total" : "7gb", 
          "total_in_bytes" : 7516336128 
        "swap" : { 
          "total" : "30gb", 
          "total_in_bytes" : 32218378240 
      "process" : { 
        "refresh_interval" : 1000, 
        "id" : 26188, 
        "max_file_descriptors" : 16384 
    "node_hash2" : { 
      "name" : "node2", 
      "transport_address" : "transportip2", 
      "hostname" : "myhostip2", 
      "version" : "0.20.4", 
      "attributes" : { 
        "master" : "false" 
      "os" : { 
        "refresh_interval" : 1000, 
        "available_processors" : 4, 
        "cpu" : { 
          "vendor" : "Intel", 
          "model" : "Xeon", 
          "mhz" : 2400, 
          "total_cores" : 4, 
          "total_sockets" : 4, 
          "cores_per_socket" : 32, 
          "cache_size" : "20kb", 
          "cache_size_in_bytes" : 20480 
        "mem" : { 
          "total" : "34.1gb", 
          "total_in_bytes" : 36700303360 
        "swap" : { 
          "total" : "0b", 
          "total_in_bytes" : 0 
      "process" : { 
        "refresh_interval" : 1000, 
        "id" : 24883, 
        "max_file_descriptors" : 16384 
    "node_hash3" : { 
      "name" : "node3", 
      "transport_address" : "transportip3", 
      "hostname" : "myhostip3", 
      "version" : "0.20.4", 
      "attributes" : { 
        "master" : "false" 
      "os" : { 
        "refresh_interval" : 1000, 
        "available_processors" : 4, 
        "cpu" : { 
          "vendor" : "Intel", 
          "model" : "Xeon", 
          "mhz" : 2666, 
          "total_cores" : 4, 
          "total_sockets" : 4, 
          "cores_per_socket" : 16, 
          "cache_size" : "8kb", 
          "cache_size_in_bytes" : 8192 
        "mem" : { 
          "total" : "34.1gb", 
          "total_in_bytes" : 36700303360 
        "swap" : { 
          "total" : "0b", 
          "total_in_bytes" : 0 
      "process" : { 
        "refresh_interval" : 1000, 
        "id" : 25328, 
        "max_file_descriptors" : 16384 

Respuestas a la pregunta(2)

Su respuesta a la pregunta