NSOperationQueue - Obtención de la llamada de finalización demasiado pronto

Estoy usando una NSOperationQueue para hacer cola y llamar a varias búsquedas de ubicación de geocodificación. Quiero llamar a un método de finalización cuando se hayan completado todas las búsquedas que se ejecutan de forma asíncrona.

-(void)geocodeAllItems {

    NSOperationQueue *geoCodeQueue = [[NSOperationQueue alloc]init];
    [geoCodeQueue setName:@"Geocode Queue"];

    for (EventItem *item in [[EventItemStore sharedStore] allItems]) {
        if (item.eventLocationCLLocation){
            NSLog(@"-Location Saved already. Skipping-");

        [geoCodeQueue addOperationWithBlock:^{

            NSLog(@"-Geocode Item-");
            CLGeocoder* geocoder = [[CLGeocoder alloc] init];
            [self geocodeItem:item withGeocoder:geocoder];


    [geoCodeQueue addOperationWithBlock:^{
        [[NSOperationQueue mainQueue]addOperationWithBlock:^{
            NSLog(@"-End Of Queue Reached!-");


- (void)geocodeItem:(EventItem *)item withGeocoder:(CLGeocoder *)thisGeocoder{

    NSLog(@"-Called Geocode Item-");
    [thisGeocoder geocodeAddressString:item.eventLocationGeoQuery completionHandler:^(NSArray *placemarks, NSError *error) {
        if (error) {
            NSLog(@"Error: geocoding failed for item %@: %@", item, error);
        } else {

            if (placemarks.count == 0) {
                NSLog(@"Error: geocoding found no placemarks for item %@", item);
            } else {
                if (placemarks.count > 1) {
                    NSLog(@"warning: geocoding found %u placemarks for item %@: using the first",placemarks.count,item);
                NSLog(@"-Found Location. Save it-");
                CLPlacemark* placemark = placemarks[0];
                item.eventLocationCLLocation = placemark.location;
                [[EventItemStore sharedStore] saveItems];


[6880:540b] -Geocode Item-
[6880:110b] -Geocode Item-
[6880:540b] -Called Geocode Item-
[6880:110b] -Called Geocode Item-
[6880:110b] -Geocode Item-
[6880:540b] -Geocode Item-
[6880:110b] -Called Geocode Item-
[6880:540b] -Called Geocode Item-
[6880:110b] -Geocode Item-
[6880:580b] -Geocode Item-
[6880:1603] -Geocode Item-
[6880:110b] -Called Geocode Item-
[6880:1603] -Called Geocode Item-
[6880:580b] -Called Geocode Item-
[6880:907] -End Of Queue Reached!-
[6880:907] -Found Location. Save it-
[6880:907] -Found Location. Save it-
[6880:907] -Found Location. Save it-
[6880:907] -Found Location. Save it-
[6880:907] -Found Location. Save it-
[6880:907] -Found Location. Save it-
[6880:907] -Found Location. Save it-

Como puede ver, se llama a la función Fin de cola antes del final real de todos los procesos de geocodificación + eventos de guardado. "Fin de cola alcanzado" solo se debe mostrar al final cuando se hayan procesado todas las búsquedas en cola. ¿Cómo puedo poner esto en el orden correcto?

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