Deconstruyendo un tipo existencial

Estoy utilizando un tipo existencial como un envoltorio. En un punto de mi código en el que conozco el tipo adjunto, quiero hacer algo con él que sea específico al tipo adjunto. Esto es lo más cercano que puedo conseguir:

 {-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}

class Agent a where
  agentId :: a -> String
  speciesId :: a -> String
  -- plus other functions that all agents support

-- | A wrapper allowing my daemon to read and write agents of any species.
--   (Agents are stored in files that contain a tag so I know which function
--   to call to read the agent.)
data AgentBox = forall a. Agent a => AgentBox { unbox :: a }

instance Agent AgentBox where
  agentId (AgentBox a) = agentId a
  speciesId (AgentBox a) = speciesId a
  -- plus other functions that all agents support

bugTag :: String
bugTag = "Bug"

data Bug = Bug String

instance Agent Bug where
  agentId (Bug name) = name
  speciesId _ = bugTag

doSomethingWith :: AgentBox -> IO ()
doSomethingWith a = do
  if speciesId a == bugTag
    then do
      -- Now I know it's a bug, and I want to do something bug-specific
      doBugStuff2 a
      return ()
    else return ()

doBugStuff :: Bug -> IO ()
doBugStuff a = putStrLn $ agentId a ++ " does bug stuff"

doBugStuff2 AgentBox{unbox=a} = doBugStuff (a `asTypeOf` model) -- line 39
  where model = undefined :: Bug

El error que recibo es:

    Could not deduce (a ~ Bug)
    from the context (Agent a)
      bound by a pattern with constructor
                 AgentBox :: forall a. Agent a => a -> AgentBox,
               in an equation for `doBugStuff2'
      at Amy30.hs:39:13-29
      `a' is a rigid type variable bound by
          a pattern with constructor
            AgentBox :: forall a. Agent a => a -> AgentBox,
          in an equation for `doBugStuff2'
          at Amy30.hs:39:13
    In the first argument of `asTypeOf', namely `a'
    In the first argument of `doBugStuff', namely
      `(a `asTypeOf` model)'
    In the expression: doBugStuff (a `asTypeOf` model)
Failed, modules loaded: none.

¿Cómo puedo lograr esto? Gracias de antemano por cualquier sugerencia.