Angularjs - Controller-Vererbung Vs Scope-Vererbung

Below ist der Code, der die Bereichsvererbung verwendet.

<!DOCTYPE html>
        <meta charset="UTF-8">
        <title> Controller inheritance</title>
        <script src=""></script>
        <script type="text/javascript">
            var sample = angular.module("sample", []);

            function ParentController(){
                this.Name = "Jag";

            sample.controller("emp", ParentController);

            function ChildController(){
                this.Sal = 3500;
                this.Dept = "Sales";

            sample.controller("empDetails", ChildController);
    <body ng-app="sample">
        <div ng-controller="emp as o1">
            Employee details of <strong>{{o1.Name}}</strong>:
            <div ng-controller="empDetails as o2">
                <strong>{{o1.Name}}</strong> earns {{o2.Sal}} and works in {{o2.Dept}} department.


where verschachtelter Bereich der Controller-Instanzo2 muss auf @ verweisName wieo1.Name.

Below ist der Code für die Controller-Vererbung,

<!DOCTYPE html>
        <meta charset="UTF-8">
        <title> Scope inheritance</title>
        <script src=""></script>
        <script type="text/javascript">
            var sample = angular.module("sample", []);

            function ParentController(){
                this.Name = "Jag";
            sample.controller("emp", ParentController);

            function ChildController(){
                this.Sal = 3500;
                this.Dept = "Sales";
            ChildController.prototype = Object.create(ParentController.prototype);
            sample.controller("empDetails", ChildController);
    <body ng-app="sample">
        <div ng-controller="emp as o1">
            Employee details of <strong>{{o1.Name}}</strong>:
        <div ng-controller="empDetails as o2">
                <strong>{{o2.Name}}</strong> earns {{o2.Sal}} and works in {{o2.Dept}} department.


o Umfang vono2 ist nicht verschachtelt.

Um die Vererbungshierarchie zu entwerfen, welchen Ansatz empfiehlt AngularJS?

Hinweis: TerminologieController-Vererbung ist kein Standardbegriff.

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