"Ein Element mit demselben Schlüssel wurde bereits hinzugefügt" Fehler bei SSRS beim Versuch, den Datensatz festzulegen

Wenn ich versuche, den Datensatz in der SSRS-IDE festzulegen, wird der im Snapshot angezeigte Fehler angezeigt.

Die Abfrage funktioniert in SQL Server Management Studio einwandfrei. Ich frage mich, wo ich einen Fehler gemacht habe.!

Die Verbindung zur DB ist gut hergestellt.


Wenn Sie einen Blick auf meine Abfrage werfen möchten (es ist zu lang), habe ich es sehr gut überprüft. Nichts falsch daran:

SELECT Customer.customerID, Customer.companyName,  CustomerInvoice.dueDate, CustomerInvoice.cuInvoiceID, CustomerQuote.PONumber, Product.productName, CASE WHEN (SELECT     isTaxPaid
                                                     FROM         SupplierQuoteProducts
                                                     WHERE     productID = CustomerQuoteProducts.ProductID) = 1 THEN CustomerQuoteProducts.unitPrice * 1.15
                                                     WHEN (SELECT     isTaxPaid
                                                     FROM         SupplierQuoteProducts
                                                     WHERE     productID = CustomerQuoteProducts.ProductID) = 0 THEN CustomerQuoteProducts.unitPrice
                                                     ELSE CustomerQuoteProducts.unitPrice
                                                     END AS "unitPrice", 
                      CustomerQuoteProducts.qty, CustomerQuoteProducts.isTaxPaid, PaymentMethod.paymMethDesc, CustomerInvoice.customerQuoteID, CustomerInvDetail.paidDate, CustomerInvDetail.clearedDate,
                      CustomerInvDetail.notes, CustomerInvDetail.sentDate, PaymentExpected.payExpectedTitle, PaymentStatus.paymentStatusTitle, 
(SELECT     isTaxPaid
 FROM         SupplierQuoteProducts
 WHERE     productID = CustomerQuoteProducts.ProductID) = 1 AND CustomerQuoteProducts.qty > 0 AND 
CustomerQuoteProducts.isTaxPaid > 0 THEN (((CustomerQuoteProducts.unitPrice * 1.15) * 1.15) * CustomerQuoteProducts.qty) WHEN
(SELECT     isTaxPaid
 FROM         SupplierQuoteProducts
 WHERE     productID = CustomerQuoteProducts.ProductID) = 1 AND CustomerQuoteProducts.qty <= 0 AND 
CustomerQuoteProducts.isTaxPaid > 0 THEN ((CustomerQuoteProducts.unitPrice * 1.15) * 1.15) WHEN
(SELECT     isTaxPaid
 FROM         SupplierQuoteProducts
 WHERE     productID = CustomerQuoteProducts.ProductID) = 0 AND CustomerQuoteProducts.qty > 0 AND 
CustomerQuoteProducts.isTaxPaid > 0 THEN ((CustomerQuoteProducts.unitPrice * CustomerQuoteProducts.qty) * 1.15) WHEN
(SELECT     isTaxPaid
 FROM         SupplierQuoteProducts
 WHERE     productID = CustomerQuoteProducts.ProductID) = 0 AND CustomerQuoteProducts.qty <= 0 AND 
CustomerQuoteProducts.isTaxPaid > 0 THEN (CustomerQuoteProducts.unitPrice * 1.15) WHEN
(SELECT     Count(isTaxPaid)
 FROM         SupplierQuoteProducts
 WHERE     productID = CustomerQuoteProducts.ProductID) = 0 AND CustomerQuoteProducts.qty > 0 AND 
CustomerQuoteProducts.isTaxPaid > 0 THEN ((CustomerQuoteProducts.unitPrice * 1.15) * CustomerQuoteProducts.qty) WHEN
(SELECT     Count(isTaxPaid)
 FROM         SupplierQuoteProducts
 WHERE     productID = CustomerQuoteProducts.ProductID) = 0 AND CustomerQuoteProducts.qty <= 0 AND 
CustomerQuoteProducts.isTaxPaid > 0 THEN (CustomerQuoteProducts.unitPrice * 1.15) WHEN
(SELECT     isTaxPaid
 FROM         SupplierQuoteProducts
 WHERE     productID = CustomerQuoteProducts.ProductID) = 1 AND CustomerQuoteProducts.qty > 0 AND 
CustomerQuoteProducts.isTaxPaid <= 0 THEN (((CustomerQuoteProducts.unitPrice * 1.15)) * CustomerQuoteProducts.qty) WHEN
(SELECT     isTaxPaid
 FROM         SupplierQuoteProducts
 WHERE     productID = CustomerQuoteProducts.ProductID) = 1 AND CustomerQuoteProducts.qty <= 0 AND 
CustomerQuoteProducts.isTaxPaid <= 0 THEN ((CustomerQuoteProducts.unitPrice * 1.15)) WHEN
(SELECT     isTaxPaid
 FROM         SupplierQuoteProducts
 WHERE     productID = CustomerQuoteProducts.ProductID) = 0 AND CustomerQuoteProducts.qty > 0 AND 
CustomerQuoteProducts.isTaxPaid <= 0 THEN ((CustomerQuoteProducts.unitPrice * CustomerQuoteProducts.qty)) WHEN
(SELECT     isTaxPaid
 FROM         SupplierQuoteProducts
 WHERE     productID = CustomerQuoteProducts.ProductID) = 0 AND CustomerQuoteProducts.qty <= 0 AND 
CustomerQuoteProducts.isTaxPaid <= 0 THEN (CustomerQuoteProducts.unitPrice) WHEN
(SELECT     Count(isTaxPaid)
 FROM         SupplierQuoteProducts
 WHERE     productID = CustomerQuoteProducts.ProductID) = 0 AND CustomerQuoteProducts.qty > 0 AND 
CustomerQuoteProducts.isTaxPaid <= 0 THEN ((CustomerQuoteProducts.unitPrice * CustomerQuoteProducts.qty)) WHEN
(SELECT     Count(isTaxPaid)
 FROM         SupplierQuoteProducts
 WHERE     productID = CustomerQuoteProducts.ProductID) = 0 AND CustomerQuoteProducts.qty <= 0 AND 
CustomerQuoteProducts.isTaxPaid <= 0 THEN (CustomerQuoteProducts.unitPrice) END AS [TotalPrice], CASE WHEN row_number() OVER (partition BY 
ORDER BY newid()) = 1 THEN (CASE WHEN CustomerShipping.isTaxPaid > 0 THEN (CustomerShipping.shippingPrice * 1.15) 
WHEN CustomerShipping.isTaxPaid <= 0 THEN (CustomerShipping.shippingPrice) END) END AS [ShippingCost],
CASE WHEN row_number() OVER (partition BY 
ORDER BY newid()) = 1 THEN (CASE WHEN CustomerShipping.isTaxPaidForOrigPr > 0 THEN (CustomerShipping.origShipPrice * 1.15) 
WHEN CustomerShipping.isTaxPaidForOrigPr <= 0 THEN (CustomerShipping.origShipPrice) END) END AS [ShippingOrigCost],
CustomerShipping.shippingDate, CustomerShipping.trackingNumber, ShippingMethod.shippingVia, CustomerShipping.desAddress,
CustomerShipping.desCity, CustomerShipping.desPOBox, CustomerShipping.desPostalCode, CustomerShipping.desProvince, CustomerShipping.descName,
CustomerShipping.packageContent, CustomerShipping.cuShippingID, Country.countryName, CustomerShipping.packageDepth,
CustomerShipping.packageHeight, CustomerShipping.packageWeight, CustomerShipping.packageWidth, CustomerShipping.pickUpLocation
FROM         CustomerInvoice INNER JOIN
                      CustomerInvDetail ON CustomerInvoice.cuInvoiceID = CustomerInvDetail.cuInvoiceID INNER JOIN
                      CustomerQuote ON CustomerQuote.CustomerQuoteID = CustomerInvoice.CustomerQuoteID INNER JOIN
                      CustomerQuoteProducts ON CustomerQuoteProducts.CustomerQuoteID = CustomerQuote.CustomerQuoteID INNER JOIN
                      CustomerShipping ON CustomerShipping.CustomerQuoteID = CustomerInvoice.CustomerQuoteID INNER JOIN
                      PaymentStatus ON PaymentStatus.paymentStatusID = CustomerInvDetail.paymentStatusID INNER JOIN
                      Customer ON Customer.CustomerID = CustomerQuote.CustomerID INNER JOIN
                      Product ON CustomerQuoteProducts.productID = Product.productID INNER JOIN
                      Country ON Country.countryID = CustomerShipping.countryID INNER JOIN
                      ShippingMethod ON ShippingMethod.shippingMethodID = CustomerShipping.shippingMethodID INNER JOIN
                      PaymentExpected ON PaymentExpected.paymentExpectedID = CustomerInvDetail.paymentExpectedID INNER JOIN
                      PaymentMethod ON PaymentMethod.paymentMethodID = CustomerInvoice.paymentMethodID
WHERE  CustomerInvoice.cuInvoiceID = @cuInvID

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