PHP GTK Modul in der php.ini

Ich installiertePHP GTK imC:\php-gtk aber wenn ich gehe zurun es wie aus dem Befehl Zeile wie diese

cd C:\php-gtk2
php demos\phpgtk2-demo.php

Es gibt diesen Fehler

Please load the php-gtk2 module in your php.ini

Myini file hat diesen Inhalt (es heißtphp-cli.ini)


; About the php.ini in PHP-GTK ;
; This file introduces the php.ini settings that you will need in order to
; run PHP-GTK on your system. You may also need other settings from PHP's
; standard php.ini file, e.g. to load further extensions or otherwise control
; PHP's behaviour in matters such as error reporting. Please add those in
; the upper part of this file, in the PHP section.

; You should use PHP's CLI executable to run PHP-GTK. This php.ini file
; should be in the same directory as the PHP executable, to avoid conflict
; with any other copies of PHP that may be installed on your machine.

; The first thing you will need to do is tell PHP where you want it to look
; for the PHP extension libraries (php_*.dll or php_*.so files) on your system.

extension_dir = "./ext"

; Make sure that php-gtk2.dll under Windows, or under Unix, is in
; the directory named in extension_dir alongside any other shared PHP extensions
; you intend to use, and tell PHP to load it.

extension = php_gtk2.dll
;extension = php_pdo.**
;extension = php_sqlite.**
;extension = php_pdo_sqlite.**

; Defines the default timezone used by the date functions
;date.timezone = 


; PHP-GTK extensions ;

; Extensions written for PHP-GTK are in the format php_gtk_*.dll (Windows) or
; php_gtk_*.so (Unix), written here as a comma-separated list. The library
; files need to be in the same directory as the PHP-GTK library, along with
; any other PHP extensions you are using.

;php-gtk.extensions = php_gtk_libglade2.dll,php_gtk_sourceview2.dll

; Code Page ;

; The string variables used for titles and other text values in GTK+ are
; encoded in UTF-8 internally. A code page is needed so that PHP-GTK 'knows'
; which character set is being used, and can convert it to UTF-8 as necessary.

; If your environment uses UTF-8 already, you can set the codepage directive
; to UTF-8 to skip the conversions.

; The default codepage setting in PHP-GTK 2 is ISO-8859-1, but you can also
; use either OEM (e.g. 850) or Windows Code Pages (e.g. CP1250) here, so
; long as the encoding format you choose is capable of iconv conversion. See
; for a list of
; the code pages and character sets that are supported on Windows systems.

php-gtk.codepage = CP1250

Was muss ich tun Gibt esetwas stimmt nicht mit dem ini Datei? Muss ichumbenenne es? Was ist das Problem, das istProgramm auslösen?

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