Was erbt! : search_paths do?

Nachdem Sie sich das Beispiel von CocoaPods angesehen haben (vonhttps: //guides.cocoapods.org/syntax/podfile.html#abstract_targe)

# Note: There are no targets called "Shows" in any of this workspace's Xcode projects
abstract_target 'Shows' do
  pod 'ShowsKit'

  # The target ShowsiOS has its own copy of ShowsKit (inherited) + ShowWebAuth (added here)
  target 'ShowsiOS' do
    pod 'ShowWebAuth'

  # The target ShowsTV has its own copy of ShowsKit (inherited) + ShowTVAuth (added here)
  target 'ShowsTV' do
    pod 'ShowTVAuth'

  # Our tests target has its own copy of
  # our testing frameworks, and has access
  # to ShowsKit as well because it is
  # a child of the abstract target 'Shows'

  target 'ShowsTests' do
    inherit! :search_paths
    pod 'Specta'
    pod 'Expecta'

Ich verstehe nicht waruminherit! :search_paths ist notwendig? Alle 3 Ziele,ShowsiOS, ShowsTV undShowsTests Zugang haben zuShowsKit von ihrem übergeordneten Ziel.

Das spezifische Beispiel fürinherit! (vonhttps: //guides.cocoapods.org/syntax/podfile.html#inherit_ban) fügt keine Klarheit hinzu

target 'App' do
  target 'AppTests' do
    inherit! :search_paths

Kannst du mir helfen zu verstehen, wasinherit! :search_paths ist für

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